Election begins in UP with Modi’s visit: PM targets opposition in Kashi rally; Priyanka will hit the road against inflation, SP and BSP also active

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  • Uttar pradesh
  • Lucknow
  • Uttar Pradesh, PM Modi, Varanasi, Priyanka Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav, electoral countdown, Yogi’s slogan New India’s new UP, Akhilesh is making election rigging and inflation an issue, Priyanka will hit the road tomorrow

19 hours ago

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached his parliamentary constituency Varanasi on Thursday after 8 months. To say that the Prime Minister’s visit to Varanasi is official, but if seen, Modi started his election campaign in UP with the darshan of Kashi Vishwanath. Elections are to be held in UP next year. In such a situation, BJP is trying to woo the public by laying the foundation stone of development schemes and dedicating it. When Modi praised the Yogi government in Kashi, he also targeted the opposition and the earlier governments.

At the same time, the opposition has also become active. Priyanka Gandhi is also reaching UP on 16th July. The next day i.e. on 17th July, she will make a big protest against inflation. Congress is a constant attacker on the issues of inflation, youth. SP has also opened a front against the Yogi government, so the round of meetings has started in BSP too.

PM Modi, Shah and Nadda will have frequent visits
There are about 6 months left for the assembly elections in UP. In these 6 months, there can be frequent visits of PM Modi to change the politics of UP. Party strategists have decided that leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and JP Nadda should be called for the inauguration of the big schemes of the UP government. Yogi government is building 4 big expressways in the state. Work on three of these is in progress. It is being said that the Prime Minister can inaugurate them before the elections.

BJP’s corona diversion in the name of expressway
BJP is diverting the issue of Corona by completing the work of different expressways being built in Uttar Pradesh. BJP’s focus is to complete the ongoing development works in UP. So that till the next election, development is at the center of the issues.

  • Purvanchal Expressway The construction is nearing completion. 341 km passing through 9 districts of UP. About 98 percent of the construction work of the long Purvanchal Expressway has been completed. With the completion of this dream project of the government, the Purvanchal part of UP will be connected to the capital of the country. It will be inaugurated soon by PM Modi.
  • Bundelkhand Expressway About 66 percent of the construction work has also been completed. The government wants to complete it before the elections at all costs. 296 kms. With the construction of this long expressway, the area of ​​Bundelkhand will be added to the pace of development. PM Modi can also inaugurate it.
  • Gorakhpur Link Expressway After it is built, another route will be ready to go from Gorakhpur to Lucknow. The construction of Gorakhpur Link Expressway to connect Purvanchal Expressway with Gorakhpur is going on fast and the target is to complete it before the elections.
  • Ganga Express Way Acquisition of land for By the end of July, the work of debentures and land acquisition will be completed. The work of Ganga Expressway from district Meerut to Prayagraj is to start before the assembly elections. It is possible that the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone for it.

Very special in the politics of Purvanchal UP
All the opponents in UP are also trying their strength in Purvanchal. Along with Akhilesh Yadav, Priyanka Gandhi and smaller parties, Owaisi has also made Purvanchal his center. In such a situation, the party has once again started in the exercise of cultivating Purvanchal through Modi. BJP has once again taken its most trusted partner of Purvanchal Apna Dal in its confidence and made Anupriya Patel a minister. But Sanjay Nishad, who comes from Purvanchal, is unhappy at the moment.

Omprakash Rajbhar is also targeting Purvanchal under the banner of Bhagidari Morcha. Because there are maximum OBC and very backward castes here. The alliance being formed against the BJP is also looking the most powerful in Purvanchal.

Rigging in SP elections and inflation will be an issue
On the orders of SP chief Akhilesh Yadav, his workers are going to protest at tehsil level across the state. In this, the issue of rigging, police brutality along with inflation in the President and other posts has been kept during the Panchayat elections. The SP, which is known for doing street politics, can be seen in its old attitude after a long time. The SP will be seen on the road through the movement. Also, Akhilesh Yadav is in touch with other sections of the society. For example, he is also having frequent meetings with organizations related to different small scale industries of UP.

The students and youth wings of SP, which have not been active for the last several years, have also started becoming active. In this, there is a preparation to attack the government on the question of campus and youth. Senior SP leader told that in a few days party chief Akhilesh Yadav will also visit the state.

This Kothi belongs to former Congress leader Sheila Kaul.  Priyanka will stay here in Lucknow.

This Kothi belongs to former Congress leader Sheila Kaul. Priyanka will stay here in Lucknow.

From 16, Priyanka will join the protest against inflation in Lucknow
Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi is coming to Lucknow on July 16 as soon as Modi leaves. This time Priyanka herself will lead the entire campaign. She will be involved in the protest against inflation of UP Congress on 17th. A senior Congress leader told that Priyanka Gandhi herself will be seen on the road in this. This will send a big message among the workers across the state.

Congress is preparing to fight the entire election this time on the face of Priyanka. This is the reason why many posters being prepared in the party office do not even have a picture of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi. It is being told that this is part of the election strategy. Along with this, the promises of Congress, BJP’s 2017 manifesto will also remind the public.

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