Earth Hour to be observed from 8:30 pm on March 23: Know its origin, impact and other details

Earth Hour
Image Source : GOOGLE Earth Hour to be observed from 8:30 pm on March 23

Every year, millions of people around the globe come together to participate in Earth Hour, a symbolic event aimed at raising awareness about climate change and promoting sustainability. Scheduled to be observed from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM on March 23, Saturday evening, Earth Hour is a moment where individuals, communities, and organisations unite in a simple yet powerful act: turning off non-essential lights for one hour. So mark your calendars, switch off your lights, and join millions of others in celebrating Earth Hour this year! Here’s all you need to know about the Earth Hour.

When Did It Start?

Earth Hour began as a grassroots movement in Sydney, Australia, in 2007. It was initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Australia and its partners. The event started with a simple idea: encourage people to switch off lights for an hour to show support for action on climate change. The first Earth Hour saw an impressive turnout, with millions of individuals and thousands of businesses and landmarks participating. Since then, Earth Hour has grown into a global phenomenon, with people from over 190 countries taking part.

What Happens During Earth Hour?

During Earth Hour, participants switch off non-essential lights and electrical appliances for one hour, starting at 8:30 PM local time. The hour serves as a reminder of the collective impact that simple actions can have on the planet. It’s a time for reflection, unity, and commitment to making a difference in the fight against climate change.

Why Is Earth Hour Important?

Earth Hour is not just about saving electricity for one hour; it’s about sending a powerful message to the world. By participating in Earth Hour, individuals demonstrate their concern for the environment and their willingness to take action. It’s an opportunity to show solidarity with others who share a commitment to sustainability and protecting the planet for future generations.

How Can You Participate?

Participating in Earth Hour is easy and doesn’t require much effort. Simply switch off non-essential lights and electrical devices for one hour starting at 8:30 PM on the designated Saturday. You can also take the opportunity to engage in other eco-friendly activities such as stargazing, candlelit dinners, or simply spending time outdoors appreciating nature.

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