Don’t interfere with operation of licensed spas, High Court tells Delhi Police. Delhi News – Times of India

New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday cautioned the police against interfering in the operation of spas having valid licenses and following the protocols imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Justice line parish, who was hearing a petition by a spa owner alleging that the local police were not allowing her to reopen her spa and wellness clinic, remarked that she was daily accusing the police. was dealing with matters.
“Every day I am dealing with cases. Your sub-inspector is doing what they want to do,” the judge said.
“Don’t you know what is happening? What are your beat constables doing? Why are you not letting them (operate)? I am warning you. Tell your beat constables. People will come to the courts”, The judge asked the concerned station in-charge who was present during the hearing through video conferencing.
consultant for Delhi Police Said that the authorities are in no way barring the operation of spas that have a valid health business license and are complying with applicable regulations covid-19 protocol.
“We are not stopping them if they have a valid health license. we will strictly follow legal principles,” said the lawyer.
“If they (police) don’t follow up then I know what to do,” the judge said.
The court took the stand of the authorities on record and said that no order has been sought on the petition now.
The petitioner in his petition filed through advocate Himanshu Dagar – owner of a spa located at Chandni Chowk – alleged that the police were arbitrarily, illegally and unreasonably interfering in the reopening of their outlets despite compliance with all norms, rules and regulations issued by the competent authorities.
The petition states that in July, the Delhi government had given permission to reopen the spas in the city in view of the declining cases of Kovid-19, subject to certain conditions.
However, the local police station authorities started “forcing” the petitioner to close his spa without any rhyme or reason.
“This harassment by the officials of the local police station and the staff of the outpost has become a daily routine… The petitioner has suffered huge loss of finances and is also unable to pay the rent, electricity bill, salaries of the employees, and so on. House expenses due to closure of their spa and wellness clinic by police station officials and outpost staff,” the petition claimed.
It was submitted that the conduct of the officers was in violation of Articles 14 and 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India and thus prayed that a direction be issued to allow reopening of spas as applicable . Conditions.
