Donald Trump reportedly said Hitler did ‘very good things’; new book | World News – Times of India

Washington: Donald Trump, during a visit to Europe when the US President told his Chief of Staff that “Hitler Did a lot of good things,” The Guardian newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing an upcoming book.
Trump’s then chief of staff John Kelly was reportedly “shocked” by the remarks.
The British newspaper said the exchange is described in The Wall Street Journal’s upcoming book, “Frankly, We Did Win This Election”, by Michael Bender.
The Guardian said it had received a copy of the book ahead of its publication next week.
Trump reportedly made the remarks when Kelly was teaching the president a history lesson during a 2018 trip to Europe to mark the end of World War I.
According to the book, Kelly “reminded the president of which countries were on which side during the conflict” and “connected the points from World War I to World War II and all of Hitler’s atrocities.”
Trump reportedly said, “Well, Hitler has done a great job.”
Kelly reportedly “told the president he was wrong, but Trump was adamant,” emphasizing German economic reform under Hitler during the 1930s.
“Kelly pushed back again,” the Guardian quoted Bender in writing, “and argued that the German people would be better off being poorer than subjected to Nazi genocide.”
Kelly told Trump that even though his claim about the German economy under the Nazis was true, “You can never say anything in support of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
The Guardian said that Bender has interviewed Trump since he lost the November 2020 election and the former president declined to comment about Hitler.
Kelly, a former Marine Corps general who left white House In early 2019, there have been several critical comments about Trump following the January 6 attack on the US Capitol by supporters of the former president.


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