Do you have acne-prone skin? Follow these key makeup tips for better results

Acne is a common skin problem in both men and women (Image: Shutterstock)

One of the major problems that people face with acne is that makeup products tend to aggravate their breakouts. So should you avoid makeup? Not necessarily.

Acne is a common skin problem in both men and women. Acne can be caused due to many reasons ranging from bad lifestyle habits to extreme stress. If the problem of acne gets worse, it can be troublesome and very difficult to deal with. People who have acne-prone skin should be very careful to apply it on their face. It is also suggested that a dermatologist should be consulted for best results.

Even if you are getting treatment, acne doesn’t go away overnight. This is a time consuming process. One of the major problems that people face with acne is that makeup products tend to aggravate their breakouts. So should you avoid makeup? Not necessarily. Dermatologist Dr Madhuri Agarwal takes to her Instagram handle to share some tips for acne prone skin that will surely solve your makeup woes.

Madhuri added that by following a few tips, one can set oneself on a healthy skin care and makeup journey. If you have acne on your skin then these tips will help you to make your skin soft.

Take a look at the tips:

  • Makeup products labeled as non-comedogenic and oil-free are best for acne-prone skin.
  • Do not use heavy liquid makeup, let your skin breathe.
  • You should stop using makeup products, which cause breakouts.
  • Never forget to clean your face, apply moisturizer or sunscreen before starting your makeup. It is necessary.
  • Do not use fingers for makeup. Use brushes and makeup applicators and make sure you clean them regularly to avoid oil retention.
  • Do not share or use your makeup with anyone else. It causes contamination which can trigger allergies, redness and acne etc.
  • Going to bed with your makeup on is no big deal. Use oil-free makeup removal products. This allows your skin to be refreshed and rejuvenated overnight.

Madhuri suggests that anyone who is in doubt, or confused, or worried about their acne woes, should contact their dermatologist, as it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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