Do We Always Require Hair Conditioner? Find Out

edited by: Riya Ashok Madayi

Last Update: January 26, 2023, 18:25 IST

Our hair is softened by conditioner, which also smoothens the ends and replenishes moisture.  (Image: shutterstock)

Our hair is softened by conditioner, which also smoothens the ends and replenishes moisture. (Image: shutterstock)

A conditioner is a moisturizing substance that contains emollients and silicones. But do you really need conditioner every time you wash your hair?

When exposed to various environmental stressors like pollution, dust, or heat, our hair needs extra care and protection. It is true that when you shampoo your hair, all the dirt from your scalp gets removed. But shampoo can also make your hair dry and lifeless. That’s why it is very important to use conditioner after shampooing. It is an important component of every hair care routine.

According to experts, conditioner is a moisturizing agent that contains emollients and silicones. They soften our hair strands, smoothen the ends and replace the moisture in the hair. But do you need conditioner after every hair wash? Yes, according to experts, it offers a host of benefits to your hair, including:

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  1. Reducing Split Ends:
    Split ends occur when the hair becomes split due to brittleness and dryness. They stop our hair from growing. These worries will be mitigated with conditioner, which will also protect your hair from breakage. Additionally, it will hydrate, feed and revitalize your hair strands.
  2. Increases Smoothness & Shine:
    The main advantage of any conditioner is that it provides a noticeable shine to our hair by intensively nourishing and enhancing it. This is accomplished through moisturizing conditioner components. They restore the integrity of each individual hair strand and prevent hair from becoming dry and tangled.
  3. Reduces Dryness:
    According to experts, shampooing the hair regularly removes the natural oil present in it. Retaining moisture leads to hardening, which leads to dryness. Conditioners help reduce dryness and hydrate the hair follicles from within.
  4. Prevents hair breakage:
    Hair conditioners help moisturize the scalp, detangle hair and make it easier to comb. As a result, the hair will become stronger and healthier. If experts are to be believed, conditioner prevents unintentional breakage of hair and prevents hair fall.
  5. Acts as a barrier to protection:
    If your hair is colored or frequently swims in chlorinated water, conditioner is a must. By creating a barrier or protective coat, conditioners protect your hair strands. Another advantage is that the coating prevents your hair color from fading quickly.

Always remember to condition your hair after shampooing. You have thicker, healthier and more beautiful hair.

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