Did CSK’s MS Dhoni Stop Suresh Raina From Captaining A Different IPL Team?

Former India and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) player Suresh Raina has many MS Dhoni stories to share. Recently, in a conversation with Jio Cinema, he shared a lot of these things. Raina played all his IPL cricket for CSK and Gujarat Lions, a now defunct team. He scored 5528 runs in 205 matches at an average of 32.52 and a strike rate of 136.76. He was called Mr. IPL during his playing days. His partnership with Dhoni had a profound impact on CSK’s performance in the IPL. If Dhoni was ‘Thala’ for CSK fans, Raina was ‘Chinna Thala’. In a story, Raina told that it was Dhoni who stopped him from playing for other teams in IPL.

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Raina revealed that he was getting captaincy offers from other IPL franchises but he stuck with Dhoni as ‘Captain Cool’ wanted him with him. Raina said that he never had any captaincy aspirations and told the same thing to ‘Mahi Bhai’ as well. “I captained UP, Chennai and many other teams also approached me, but Dhoni bhai used to say don’t go anywhere else, I am the captain and you are the vice-captain. I said I don’t have any aspirations to be captain ” I just want to play and help my country win. If I get a chance, I will work hard, but I have never had such an aspiration to become a captain. I have always felt that I am a team player and I am happy to help teammates or solve their problems,’ Raina said.

Dhoni the toughest bowler I have faced in the nets: Raina

Raina made another shocking statement when he said that Dhoni is the toughest bowler he has faced in the nets. Dhoni is a wicketkeeper and a batsman, but he has occasionally bowled for India in poor rubber matches or things have been very disappointing when it comes to winning. He never bowled for CSK but Dhoni used to get some practice in the nets and occasionally took wickets. Raina also used to become his victim in the nets. Raina says that Dhoni will not leave any chance to reminisce about his dismissal in the nets.

Talking about his toughest bowlers, Raina said, “I think Muralitharan and Malinga, but in the nets, it was MS Dhoni. If he gets you out in the nets, you won’t be able to sit with him even once.” ” A month and a half because he will keep pointing and reminding how he got you out. He will bowl off-spin, medium pace, leg spin, everything. In the nets, he would even justify his front foot no-balls (laughs) Wherever he gets the red cherry in a Test match he will go for it. In England, he will play it at full strength.”