Delhi Violence accused to appear in Rohini Court: While going to court yesterday, Ansar kept laughing even in police custody, was seen making gestures in Pushpa style

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  • Jahangirpuri Violence Delhi Police | Viral video of Delhi violence accused reaches court in Pushpa style, trace Delhi Police.

2 hours ago

Ansar and Aslam, the main accused of Jahangirpuri Hanuman Jayanti riots, were produced in Delhi’s Rohini court. Before appearing in the court, Ansar showed his shamelessness. When Ansar was being taken to Rohini court by the police, the accused shamelessly did Pushpa’s signature step. Seeing the media standing outside the court gate, Ansar showed the famous beard-wielding action of the Telugu movie Pushpa.

The video of this action of the accused is going viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that the police is taking him for court appearance, but the accused is smiling continuously. There is no fear of police action against him. Somewhere through Pushpa’s action, he is trying to tell that he is not afraid of anyone nor will he bow down before anyone.

The accused was involved in many crimes in the past as well.
Ansar, the main accused in the Jahangirpuri violence, who has been arrested, has been involved in many crimes in the past as well. Delhi Police has confirmed this. According to Delhi Police, Ansar has earlier been an accused in two cases of assault. Apart from this, he has been booked 5 times under Gambling and Arms Act. Special Commissioner of Police Law-and-Order Deependra Pathak has informed that Ansar, whose name is mentioned in the FIR, has been arrested.

Delhi violence accused Ansar reached Rohini court in Pushpa style.

Delhi violence accused Ansar reached Rohini court in Pushpa style.

21 accused arrested so far
So far 21 accused have been arrested in connection with the violence that took place in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri on Saturday. 9 people including 8 policemen and a civilian have been injured in the violence. So far, about 100 videos related to this violence have come to the fore. Based on these, the police is identifying the accused. Delhi Police Sub Inspector Medalal Meena was posted there for security during the violence. He has got a bullet in his hand. He told that the police was separating the two sides, but on seeing both the sides started pelting stones.

In view of the tension, police have been deployed in the area.

In view of the tension, police have been deployed in the area.

Delhi Police claims miscreants looted ration truck
The police claim that the miscreants not only pelted stones but also looted the government ration vehicle while setting vehicles on fire. According to preliminary investigation, the stone pelting started from the roof of the mosque. Attempts were made to incite violence by stone pelting and firing. Police said that apart from the 14 arrested accused so far, around 30 people have been taken into custody on the basis of suspicion. Delhi Police is identifying the accused responsible for the incident on the basis of the video footage of stone pelting.

Violence started with a minor argument
Police has registered an FIR in connection with the violence that took place in the Hanuman Janmotsav procession in Jahangirpuri. A minor argument near Jama Masjid had taken the form of violence. Soon stone-pelting started and a stampede broke out in the procession.

Several investigation teams of Delhi Police have been deployed on the spot.

Several investigation teams of Delhi Police have been deployed on the spot.

10 teams of police are investigating
Police have formed 10 teams to identify the accused. The entire investigation is with the Crime Branch. In search of miscreants, the police are also raiding the marked houses. Special Commissioner of Delhi Police Deepender Pathak said that investigation is going on, whoever is guilty will not be spared. At the same time, RAF and police personnel are continuously parading in Jahangirpuri area.

In the video, the same blue-shuttered building is visible behind the shooter.

In the video, the same blue-shuttered building is visible behind the shooter.

Security tightened around
The force has also been increased in the areas adjacent to Jahangirpuri. Here JNU is also guarded by the police. At the same time, UP CM Yogi Adityanath has instructed the police and administration to monitor the situation in Noida and Ghaziabad. At the same time, the police have also conducted flag marches in those areas.

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