Delhi Sexual Assault: Younger Sister Alleges She Too Was Harassed By Assailants Of Her Sister

New Delhi: After the shocking incident from East Delhi where a 20-year-old was allegedly abducted, gang-raped and paraded on streets in an east Delhi colony by her neighbours. The younger sister has alleged on Sunday that she too had been assaulted by her assailants days before the incident involving her elder sister, reported PTI.

The younger sister came forward with her complaint after the police arrested them, she alleged, that she too was harassed, molested and thrashed by the assailants of her sister, according to Shahdara Deputy Commissioner of Police R Sathiyasundaram.

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Acting on the complaint of the 18-year-old younger sister of the victim of the shocking incident at Kasturba Nagar, police have lodged another case against her assailants, including eight women, one man and three juveniles, who have already been apprehended, police said on Sunday. The second case was registered under various IPC sections on molestation, physical assault, criminal intimidation and mischief by fire among others, he said.

Shahdara Deputy Commissioner of Police R Sathiyasundaram said the police have already arrested nine people, eight women and one man, and detained three minor boys for their alleged roles in the crime against the elder sister.

In the complaint, the younger sister has alleged that she was attacked and beaten up on January 19 and her auto was also set on fire. The DCP quoting her complaint, the younger sister said that they would create a ruckus at her workplace because of which she had to leave her job.

“When I stay at home, their (accused) women come and thrash me. When I step out, they (men) harass me. These people say that they aren’t scared of the police. (They) don’t let me work or earn any money. How am I supposed to run my house? I am in danger. They threaten me, she alleged in her complaint, PTI reported.

The incident took place in Kasturba Nagar in Shahdara on Wednesday. It was informed to the police that a woman was allegedly abducted, gang-raped, and paraded on the streets of the national capital with a shaved head, face blackened with ink and a garland of shoes around her neck.

The 20-year-old victim’s husband informed the police about the incident who then reached the spot and rescued her. The police have filed a complaint under different sections of the Indian Penal Code including gang rape, physical assault, sexual assault, and criminal conspiracy.

The victim’s sister said that a boy in the neighborhood who claimed to be in love with the woman had died by suicide in November last year. “His family blames my sister for their son’s death,” she told ANI.
