Delay in WHO’s approval to Covaxin: World Health Organization seeks more details from Bharat Biotech, now assessment will be done on November 3

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • WHO has stated that additional clarification is needed to conduct COVAXIN’s final emergency use list.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has sought more information from Bharat Biotech regarding the Indian vaccine of Corona, Covaxin. Before Tuesday’s meeting of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group, it was said that if it is satisfied, then a decision can be taken about Covaxin only in the next 24 hours. Now the next meeting of this group will be held on November 3, in which the final assessment will be done regarding the global use of Covaxin.

Bharat Biotech had applied for approval of Covaxin from WHO on 19 April, but it is still pending. In such a situation, people taking Covaxin are not able to travel abroad. Once approved, it can be used as a vaccine passport. Also Bharat Biotech will be able to export it easily worldwide. Covaxin has been approved in 13 countries so far.

Covaxin is 78% effective
Covaxin has been jointly developed by Bharat Biotech and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). After Phase-3 clinical trials, the company had claimed that the clinical efficacy of the vaccine is 78%. That is, it is 78% effective in preventing corona infection. The good thing is that none of those who were given this vaccine in the trials showed serious symptoms. That is, its effectiveness in preventing severe symptoms is 100%.

ICMR claims – Effective on all variants
ICMR claims that this vaccine is effective on all types of variants. That is, it has proved to be effective not only on UK, Brazil and South African variants but also on double mutant variants that have appeared in more than 10 states of India.

What is the significance of WHO’s emergency use approval?
The emergency use listing checks the safety and effectiveness of a health product in a public health emergency such as an epidemic. The WHO gave emergency use approval to Pfizer’s vaccine on 31 December 2020, Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine on 15 February 2021 and Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine on 12 March.

According to WHO, in view of the emergency situation, it is necessary to develop and approve medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tools as soon as possible. That too while meeting the standards of safety, efficiency and quality. This assessment ensures the usefulness of these products to a wider range of people during the pandemic.

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