Defense Minister visits Ladakh amid tension with China: Rajnath Singh meets ex-servicemen in Leh; Said- Our government has fulfilled the demand of one rank, one pension

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  • Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, three-day visit to Ladakh, inaugurates infrastructural projects. Border Roads Organization BRO. conversation with soldiers

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Defense Minister Rajnath Singh is on a 3-day visit to Ladakh from Sunday amid the ongoing tension with China for the last several months. First they reached Leh. Here he met ex-servicemen. During this, he said that there is no need to tell how much respect Prime Minister Narendra Modi has for the soldiers and ex-servicemen of our army. The problem of One Rank, One Pension was going on for 30-40 years. Narendra Modi fulfilled the demand of One Rank, One Pension as soon as he became the Prime Minister.

will inaugurate the infrastructure project
On his visit to Ladakh, Rajnath will inaugurate the infrastructure project of the Border Roads Organization (BRO). Along with this, Rajnath will also meet the soldiers posted on the border and know their condition.

Things got worse last year
In June last year, eight months after the martyrdom of 20 Indian soldiers in the Galvan Valley, an agreement was signed with China. The armies of both the countries started retreating from the northern area of ​​Pangong Lake in Ladakh. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh himself had given this information in the Rajya Sabha. He also claimed that India has not lost anything from this agreement and said that we will not allow any country to take even an inch of our land. However, even after that, China’s military activity continues on the border.

Modi reached Leh 18 days after clash with China
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suddenly reached Leh 18 days after the Indian troops clashed with China in Galwan. He encouraged the soldiers by meeting them.

Met the soldiers at Neemu base
Modi had met Army, Air Force and ITBP personnel at Neemu Base in Ladakh. He was accompanied by Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief MM Naravane. After the meeting, the soldiers raised slogans of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’.

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