Dealing with short periods? Here’s An Herbal Tea Recipe To Your Rescue

Short periods or low menstrual flow (hypomenorrhea) is a condition where menstruation lasts for a shorter period of time (two days) or blood flow is less than normal. Irregularity in periods can be caused by a number of factors such as hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, unhealthy foods, stress, emotional trauma, low body weight or prolonged use of birth control pills. Frequent short periods are a cause for concern. However, you can cure it with some natural home remedies.

Here is a herbal tea recipe recommended by yoga trainer Juhi Kapoor that will not only help you deal with less periods but will also give you relief from period cramps.

Juhi’s herbal tea recipe includes shahi jeera or jeera. It should not be that Shahi Jeera is not Jeera as both are different. Ajwain seeds are darker in color and sweeter than common cumin while cumin is hotter in taste, lighter in color and larger in size. Here is the recipe for the herbal tea:

Ingredients to use:

1 tsp – cumin

2 cups – water

1 tsp – jaggery

how to make:

Step 1: Soak a spoonful of carom seeds in two cups of water overnight.

Step 2: After this, boil the water of carom seeds in the morning and reduce it to one cup.

Step 3: Now add a spoonful of jaggery to it for taste.

Step 4: Filter the decoction and keep it in a glass or cup.

Step 5: Drink half the drink in the morning and half in the evening. Repeat this 3 days before the start of menstruation.

As per the yoga instructor, one need not consume it on daily basis but should consume it just 3 days before the date of their expected period.

Apart from this, herbal tea, ginger tea, calendula herbal tea, papaya, parsley leaves and other zinc-rich foods are also beneficial in the short term.

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