dead on ration card Nadia’s mother and son are desperate to prove themselves alive

Kaushik Sarkar and his mother Ranjita Sarkar, residents of Prafulla Nagar area of ​​Nadia. Went to get ration a month ago. Meanwhile, the ration dealer informed them that both had died on the ration card. Meanwhile, they were roaming here and there, talking, going to get ration, they could not understand how they died. The real battle started from there. Mother and son are making rounds of the office. They have only one thing to say, we are alive. Everywhere from the food department to the block office, he has written about this peculiar problem. But they claim that they are yet to prove that they are alive.

Ranjita Sarkar said, this time when I went to get ration, I was told that your card is dead. Since then we are not getting ration. Son Kaushik Sarkar said, we are alive. How did I die in rationing> Then I went to the food office. They can’t even tell the reason. He says I had applied online. But how do I apply online without death certificate? In the present situation we are not able to collect ration. I have also made a written complaint for the video. But the problem is not getting resolved. I want a thorough investigation into the incident. However, there has been no statement from the administration.
