DC’s new Superman revealed to be bisexual in latest comic

Jonathan Kent, the son of the original Superman Clark Kent and journalist Lois Lane, is coming out as bisexual in the latest iteration of DC Comics’ superhero adventures.

According to Variety, DC Comics made the announcement on Monday, which is also National Coming Out Day. John Kent, currently known as “Earth’s Superman”, will appear in the November 9 issue of Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 as he begins a romantic relationship with reporter Jay Nakamura. – Indicates the Kryptonian apple not falling far from the tree.

The decision to cast the superhero currently playing Man of Steel has come to the fore as bisexual, making it the most high-profile example of comic book publishers expanding the scope of LGBTQ representation within their pages.

In August, DC published an issue in which Tim Drake — aka Robin, Batman’s loyal sidekick — also came out as bisexual. Other prominent LGBTQ comic characters include DC’s Batwoman, Harley Quinn and Alan Scott (aka The First Green Lantern), and Marvel’s Iceman, America Chavez (aka Miss America) and Northstar – the first openly gay when he arrived. One of the comic book characters. out in 1992.

Tom Taylor wrote ‘Superman: Son of Kal-El #5’, and John Timms is the artist.” I’ve always said that everyone needs heroes and everyone deserves to see themselves in their heroes and I am extremely grateful to DC and Warner Bros. for sharing this idea,” Taylor said in a statement.

Taylor said, “The symbol of Superman has always stood for hope, truth, and justice. Today, that symbol represents something else. Today, more people can see themselves in the most powerful superheroes in comics.” In an upcoming issue, John Kent’s Superman will find comfort in Jay’s arms after he goes completely wrong trying to save the world. According to a press release, “The story is unfolding in the main continuation of the DC Multiverse.”

“We couldn’t be more excited to tell this important story from Tom Taylor and John Timms,” said DC’s chief creative officer and publisher Jim Lee.

“We talk a lot about the power of the DC multiverse in our story and this is another incredible example. We see John Kent finding his identity in the comics, as well as John Kent on Superman & Lois as his family on TV. can ask to unravel mysteries. They co-exist in their own world and time, and our fans get a chance to enjoy both together,” Lee said.

Classic comic franchises are striving to become more LGBTQ-inclusive. The news comes months after a version of Marvel’s Captain America made headlines for being gay.
