Dangerous trend of porn addiction in MP: 4 out of 10 people of 55+ age coming to counselors, this is alarm bell for the family

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  • Porn Addiction Trend in Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh Hindi News & Updates, Porn Addict, Mobile Addict

Bhopal16 minutes agoAuthor: Sandeep Rajwade

The addiction of watching porn videos is increasing among the people of Madhya Pradesh. Older people are also included in those watching such videos. This information has been received after talking to psychologists and family counselors in Bhopal. He told that cases related to mobile addiction and watching porn videos are reaching him for some time.

In the last 6 months, on an average, 40 out of 100 cases were reported to the hospital and counselor related to the addiction of watching porn on mobile. The worrying thing is that those who watch porn include people above 55 years of age. Due to this, there are disputes in the family of older people. To overcome this addiction, now family members are taking them to doctors and counselors.

Experts say that those who have the responsibility of keeping the children away from this disease, if they indulge in it, then problems will increase for the families in future. You can give your opinion in this matter…

Family members are bringing for counseling
Bhopal counselor Rita Tuli said that in the last two years, cases of family breakdown and various disputes are coming to the fore. Wife and children are complaining due to mobile addiction, habit of watching porn videos. Of the 50 cases that come in a month, 18 to 20 cases are similar. Mobile addiction accounts for 35-40% of family disputes.

According to Sushma Sharma, the second counselor of Bhopal, the addiction of watching porn videos is increasing among people above the age of 55-65. In some people, this addiction has taken the form of a disease. Along with this, disputes are also increasing in their homes.

90% cases never come
Dr. JP Aggarwal, HOD, Department of Psychiatry, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, said that the addiction of watching porn videos has increased among teenagers and youth with 55+ age. Such videos are being watched every night for 3-4 hours. This is affecting mental health. Many kinds of diseases are also happening. He said that at present only 10% of such cases are coming up. These are the 10% people who are aware or are more worried. Still 90% of the people are not coming forward.

Read some real story…

addiction after job loss
The first is the story of Mahesh Kumar (name changed). The counselor told that the wife of Mahesh Kumar, 57, of Bhopal, had brought the complaint. He said that Mahesh used to do a private job, but for the last one year, he is at home due to loss of job. Due to this, he started giving more time in mobile. Started watching videos till late night. It was only a few months ago that it was found that they watch porn videos on mobile. When they refused, they started arguing. There was a fight every day in the house. There has also been a change in nature.

Elders share porn videos in family groups
The second story is that of Dinesh Kumar (name changed). Dr. JP Agarwal, HOD of the Department of Psychiatry, said that 63-year-old Dinesh Kumar has been a mobile addict for the last two years. Before Corona, he used to look after business, but now only children handle it. That’s why he stays at home most of the time. During this, it became a habit to watch porn videos on mobile. The extent is reached when these videos are shared in the family group. When the family refuses them, they start threatening to leave the house.

If you are refused to watch the video then do not listen
The third case is of 60 years old Manish Singh (name changed). Family counselor Sushma Sharma told that such a case had come to light from Raisen a month ago. Manish Singh got addicted to watching porn videos in mobile during the lockdown. After watching the video, he started making strange demands from his wife. If you were refused to watch the video, then do not listen. Even the children did not listen. Now his nature has also changed.

What do experts say
Psychiatrist Dr. JP Aggarwal told that such cases are coming continuously, the biggest reason for this is smartphones. There is a sub-category of this, which is called porn addiction. They want to see such fantasy in real life. Then the family goes to the stage of breaking up. Disputes and quarrels start between husband and wife. They go into extra marital relationship. It is a disease, it can be treated on time.

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