Daily Numerology 21 May, 2024: Check Predictions for Number 1 to 9 Today – News18

Numerology predictions for May 21, 2024, by astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. (Image: Shutterstock/File)

Numerology predictions for May 21, 2024, by astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. (Image: Shutterstock/File)

Explore the numerology predictions for May 21, 2024, with expert insights from astrologer Chirag Daruwalla.

Number 1 (People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of any month)

Ganesha says today is not a favorable day for people with Radix number one. You will face difficulties and obstacles. The day is average in terms of money. Some may be worried about their increasing problems. Health may also suffer, so take full care of yourself. Spend as much time as possible with family and maintain a happy atmosphere at home. You will get full support from your spouse.

Number 2 (People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

Ganesha says today is not a favorable day for people with Radix number two. Financially, the day is worse than usual. You may remain under a lot of stress regarding money. The day is average from the family’s point of view. The health of an elderly person in the family may suddenly deteriorate, creating an atmosphere of tension. Share your thoughts with your spouse to feel better internally.

Number 3 (People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

Ganesha says the day is favorable for people with Radix number three. All the tasks you have planned will be completed. Everyone will appreciate your wisdom and understanding at work and at home. People will seek your advice for their tasks. Financially, the day is very good, with chances of money coming in and pending money being received suddenly. You will have a pleasant day with family members and a great day with your spouse.

Number 4 (People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

Ganesha says today is worse than usual for people with Radix number four. You will face problems and unnecessary hustle and bustle. Financially, the day is not favorable. The day is average in terms of business; do not make any important business decisions. Employed people may get a position as per their wishes. Family matters are average, and there may be an argument with your spouse, so stay calm and use gentle language.

Number 5 (People born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month)

Ganesha says today is not a normal day for people with the number five. Financially, the day is not favorable, and your money may not remain stable. You should not lend money to anyone, as it may get stuck. Take special care of your health. The day is average with the family. Maintaining cordial relations with family members will be beneficial. You will have a happy day with your spouse.

Number 6 (People born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Ganesha says the day is favorable for people with the number six. You will feel energetic. Financially, the day is good, but you may spend unnecessary money on essential items. Therefore, spend money wisely. In terms of family, there may be arguments with family members and ideological differences with your spouse. Stay calm and avoid getting angry.

Number 7 (People born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Ganesha says today is a normal day for people with Radix number seven. Financially, the day is average; invest money wisely and consider carefully before investing in business. A headache may bother you throughout the day; if so, contact a doctor immediately. Family life is average, but spending time with your family will provide a pleasant experience. You will have a good day with your spouse.

Number 8 (People born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Ganesha says today is not a favorable day for people with Radix number eight. You will face troubles and problems. Luck does not seem to be on your side financially; invest money wisely. Relationships with your spouse may be somewhat strained. Therefore, spend the day peacefully.

Number 9 (People born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Ganesha says people with the number nine have a normal day. Financially, the day is favorable, with chances of money coming in and pending money being returned. Family life is average, and you will have a good time with your spouse.

(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).