Covid test mandatory for those coming to Bihar from other states during Diwali, Chhath

Image Source: PTI

The government will arrange for their vaccination if people reaching Bihar are not vaccinated, he said, underlining the need to be more vigilant during the festive season.

Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday said that the Bihar government has made COVID-19 test mandatory for those coming from other states during Diwali and Chhath festivals.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of his weekly public relations program ‘Janta Ke Darbar Mein Mukhyamantri’, Kumar said, the health department officials will keep a special vigil on people coming from other states at all railway stations, bus stands and inter-state border posts. Also, make necessary arrangements for Kovid-19 test at all these places.

The government will arrange for their vaccination if people reaching Bihar are not vaccinated, he said, underlining the need to be more vigilant during the festive season.

He said that the state police force has also been directed to remain vigilant. “The security forces as well as the people of the state should remain vigilant during the festive season to prevent the anti-national forces from succeeding in their nefarious designs. I also hold regular review meetings for better coordination between the civil administration and the police. I’ve been.” ” he said.

When asked about the implementation of Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems (CCTNS), the Chief Minister said, the project aimed at comprehensive policing is being implemented very effectively.

CCTNS is a Government of India project to create a comprehensive and integrated system for effective policing through e-Governance. The project is being implemented by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). It seeks to integrate all data and crime records into a single Core Application Software (CAS) covering all States and Union Territories.

A senior state police official said that a total of 894 police stations in Bihar have already been brought under CCTNS and around 202 more police stations will be covered by the end of this year. The project was started after the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks.

Read also | Over 102 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses provided to states, UTs: Center

Read also | Uttarakhand achieved 100% first dose COVID-19 vaccination target, says CM Pushkar Singh Dhami

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