Covid Omicron version: Most want government to reconsider its decision to restart international flights, finds survey

As India resumed international flights from December 15, after being suspended since March 23 last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most people want the government to take its decision in the light of the new Omron or COVID B.1.1529 Reconsider. Variants according to a survey. Online platform LocalCircle on Saturday said the findings are based on responses received from over 16,000 citizens across 309 districts in the country.

The Omicron strain was first reported from South Africa to the World Health Organization on Wednesday and identified in Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel. The countries currently on India’s ‘at risk’ list are European countries including South Africa, Brazil, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel and the UK.

Reading: Omicron Tracker: Samples of Kovid+ travelers from 12 ‘at risk’ countries to be sent for genome sequencing

According to the majority, the Indian government’s decision to resume international flights should be reconsidered at a time when countries around the world are imposing flight restrictions. 64% of citizens want the government to reevaluate it. Also, 72% of citizens surveyed believe that the government should make RT-PCR mandatory within 24 hours apart from the one on arrival, if there is no mandatory quarantine for international travelers.

With flight screening, testing and tracing of international passengers not working effectively on the ground in February 2020 and again in the first 3 months of 2021, citizens want the government to be extremely vigilant.

Reading: Scheduled international flights to and from India will start from December 15

64% of citizens want the government to reconsider its decision

The first question citizens were asked was whether the government needed to reconsider starting international flights from December 15, 2021. In response, 64% of citizens said, “Yes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

(Image: Local Circle)

Only 25% of citizens said that resumption of international flights was important and 11% could not. This question got 8,588 responses.

72% citizens want the government to implement mandatory RT-PCR

The government had exempted travelers from 99 countries from mandatory quarantine requirements and instituted mandatory RT-PCR testing on arrival. Recently, a stringent screening and tracking requirement has been put in place by India for countries classified at risk which include South Africa, Hong Kong and many others.

(Image: Local Circle)

However, according to citizens though the overall risk from international flights has increased after the identification of this new variant and risk reduction is the need of the hour to continue with international flights.

The survey asked citizens the question, “Given the new version B.1.1.529 and the recent large increase in COVID cases in many countries across the world, what should be India’s attitude towards travelers from these countries?”

In response, 51% of citizens said, “Continue with the existing rules and allow them without quarantine, but require RT-PCR test before boarding and within 24 hours upon arrival”. Breaking the poll, 21% said, “Allow travelers from these countries, but implement RT-PCR on boarding and arrival and implement 14-day mandatory quarantine.”

In addition, 14% said that the Indian government should “continue with the existing regulations and allow travelers from these countries without quarantine”, and 12% said “all from countries with a TPR of 2% or more”. Temporarily suspend existing flights” while 2% did not. a thought.

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