COVID: Above average mortality rate emerges in smaller districts. Thane News – Times of India

MUMBAI: As the third wave recedes, many smaller districts are finding themselves with relatively high death rates for COVID-19. Despite reporting the highest number of cases, Mumbai has had the lowest death rate in the state in this current wave.
The third wave that began in late December and peaked by February has seen Maharashtra reporting over 1.2 million cases and over 2,000 deaths. Compared to the previous two waves – 2.7% in the first wave and 1.8% in the second wave, the current surge had the lowest case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.17%. But at least 10 districts have registered CFR Above the state average.


The small district of Sindhudurg recorded the highest CFR of 1.5%. District health officer Dr Mahesh Khalipe said their share of the elderly population (15%) is higher than the state average (10%) and this could be one of the reasons. Similarly, the municipal area of ​​Malegaon witnessed a CFR of around 1%. district like Solapur And Ratnagiri has recorded a mortality rate of more than 0.8%.
In comparison, Mumbai and Pune have a mortality rate of 0.1% and 0.2% respectively. Mumbai recorded around 2.7 lakh cases and Pune over 2 lakh cases. In absolute numbers, Mumbai has the highest number of 311 deaths and Pune has recorded 191 deaths. However, data shows that a small district like Satara had over 165 deaths, while there were barely 27,000 cases. “It’s worth finding out why this happened. We have to understand whether, Satara says, there really were such high numbers of deaths or it was a question of certification, or if the cases were largely accidental.” covid,” said Dr Avinash Supe, who audits Covid-19 deaths. Mortality is expected to vary due to behavioral factors such as vaccination coverage, immunity level, availability of healthcare facilities and early reporting for treatment.
Moreover, the semi and suburban areas of many districts have seen higher death rates than the urban corporations around them. Ahmednagar Rural has seen 57 deaths this year, while Ahmednagar Corporation has reported seven deaths. There have been 28 deaths in Latur Rural as compared to nine deaths in Latur Municipal Corporation.
Nashik is an exception. It recorded almost double the number of Covid deaths within the civilian limits as compared to the semi-urban parts.