Corona is not controlled: Corona cases increased again after a day, 3,205 new patients were found in 24 hours; 31 dead

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New Delhi6 hours ago

The havoc of Corona in the country is not taking its name to stop. In the last 24 hours, 3,205 new cases of corona have been reported in the country, while 31 patients died. There was some decrease in corona cases in the country yesterday, on Monday, 2,568 new cases were found in the country, but on Tuesday again the corona cases have crossed 3 thousand.

The number of active cases i.e. patients undergoing treatment in the country is 19,509. Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 5.23 lakh people have lost their lives in the country.

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With the increase in the cases of corona, the active cases have also increased. At present, 18,317 infected people are being treated in the country. On Monday, there were 13,137 active cases of corona in the country. At the same time, the positivity rate in the country has gone up to 1.22%.

Delhi remains a corona hotspot
Delhi remains the hotspot of Corona, for the past several days, more than a thousand cases are being reported here. On Tuesday, 1,414 new cases of corona were reported in Delhi. Earlier, 1,076 cases were found in the capital. On the previous day, a patient died of corona in Delhi. Here the number of active cases of corona has increased to 5,986.

Talking about the condition of corona in other states, 182 cases were reported in Maharashtra and one patient died. At the same time, 193 cases have been reported in Uttar Pradesh, 505 cases in Haryana and 386 in Kerala. At the same time, out of 54 deaths in 24 hours, 52 have happened only in Kerala.

Cost of Kovovax vaccine reduced from Rs 900 to Rs 225
The Serum Institute of India (SII) on Tuesday slashed the price of Kovovax vaccine. SII has reduced the cost of each dose from Rs 900 to Rs 225. It does not include tax. Kovovax has been added on the Kovin portal only on Monday for the Kovid-19 vaccination of children in the age group of 12-17 years. Read full news…

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