COP26 must address ‘unprecedented’ climate crisis: Pope – Times of India

Rome: World leaders meeting later this month for a UN climate summit should offer solutions to the “unprecedented ecological crisis”. Pope Francis warned on Monday.
COP26 represents an urgent summons to provide an effective response to the unprecedented ecological crisis in Glasgow and the crisis of values ​​we are currently experiencing, and thereby to provide concrete hope to future generations,” said Francis he said.
world’s 1.3 billion leaders Catholic, which is expected to participate in the UN talks, issued the petition in writing to members of a conference organized by the Vatican called Faith and Science: Towards COP26.
It brought scientists and religious leaders together ahead of a two-week historic summit that begins on 31 October in Scotland.
Vatican participants were due to sign an appeal condemning the “seeds of conflict – greed, apathy, ignorance, fear, injustice, insecurity and violence”, which in turn “cause serious wounds on the environment, such as that climate change, desertification, pollution and loss of biodiversity”, Pope said.
Anglican leader Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, one of the religious leaders attending the Vatican conference, said the world “needs a pilgrimage to a clean economy, one that reduces carbon emissions and increases renewable energy development and use.” Is”.
“We have declared war on construction over the past 100 years,” he said, calling for “dramatic and rapid changes in taxation and trade rules” in favor of a more sustainable economic model.
“The world has had enough time to get this right,” he insisted.
Last month, Francis, Welby and Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I issued another petition for climate action, calling on “everyone, whatever their belief or worldview, to try to hear the call of the earth.” “Feel compelled to.
Less than a month before the COP26 climate summit, world leaders are under unprecedented pressure to decarbonize their economies and steer humanity’s path away from catastrophic global warming.
But with parts of the world still reeling from the pandemic and countries already grappling with climate-driven disasters pleading for help, talks in Glasgow are likely to deteriorate.
