Common Neurological Conditions and How to Prevent Them

The nervous system, which is the most important organ of our body, is an extremely specialized and complex network. Our nervous system controls our thoughts, activities, and our reactions to the world around us. However, when anything goes wrong with the nervous system, it can result in neurological disease.

Understanding the symptoms of neurological diseases is important as it can lead to accurate diagnosis and treatment. To help you out, we bring you some of the most common neurological conditions so that you can identify them.


Seizures happen more often than you might believe. It is an uncontrolled electrical disruption in the brain. It can change your behavior, movements or sensations as well as your degree of consciousness. According to the Mayo Clinic, having two or more seizures that occur at least 24 hours apart but are not caused by an identified cause can also be a sign of epilepsy.


The most common type of pain is headache. There are several types of headaches, including migraine, cluster headache, and tension headache. When headaches occur regularly, it is a sign that you should consult a doctor as they may be a symptom of an underlying problem, including a tumor.


Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is restricted in some way. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain, and the lack of this supply due to a blood clot can damage the brain. Although it is impossible to predict a stroke, symptoms include sudden blurred vision, confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding, and dizziness.

Alzheimer’s disease

It is one of the most frequent and ultimately serious dementia diseases. According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, degeneration of neurons in the brain causes a progressive decline in mental ability, which interferes with normal daily life and function. Confusion, decreased intellectual and linguistic abilities, memory loss and mobility problems are among its symptoms.

Risk factors and prevention

Genetics, age, nicotine, drug and/or alcohol use, poor diet, and physical inactivity are all risk factors for neurological diseases. In some cases, pollution and injuries are also major causes.

Remember that living a healthy lifestyle will help reduce your chances of developing one of these diseases; Eating right, not smoking, and leading an active life with consistent physical exercise can all serve as preventive measures.

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