Cold wave alert in India: 10 ways to protect yourself from the biting cold

Cold wave in India: Are cold wave warnings putting a damper on your plans for the new year? Are you also worried about the elderly members of your family in view of the coming cold weather? Dense fog enveloped the national capital on Tuesday morning (December 27) as cold wave conditions continued in Delhi. The minimum temperature was recorded at seven degree Celsius.

IMD says that due to the present light wind and heavy moisture in the lower troposphere, dense to very dense fog is “likely” to persist over various areas of Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi and West Rajasthan for the next 48 days . hours. Delhi’s air quality is still being classified as “very poor”.

This drop in temperature is due to cold, dry winds blowing from the Western Himalayas to the north and northwest. And sadly, there will be no respite from it anytime soon. So let’s follow the do’s and don’ts for cold wave issued by the India Meteorological Department:

worth doing

1. Pack enough winter clothes, multiple layers of clothing are also useful. Donate old winter clothes to the needy.

2. Have emergency supplies ready for immediate needs.

3. Stay indoors as much as possible during a cold wave outside to avoid exposure to cold air.

4. Keep dry. If in any way you get wet, change your clothes immediately to prevent loss of body heat.

5. Prefer mittens over gloves, mittens are woolen and therefore will provide more warmth and insulation from the cold.

6. Drink hot water or hot drinks like herbal tea or coffee at regular intervals to stay warm.

7. Take care of the elderly and children by providing medical or personal care to them.

8. Store and use hot water for everyday purposes as the water in the pipes can cool down or even freeze in some areas.

9. Pay attention to the symptoms of frostbite such as numbness, white or pale fingers, toes, ear lobes and tip of the nose.

10. Do not put the areas (if) affected by frostbite in hot water.

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in case of hypothermia

1. Make the person lie down in a warm place and change his/her clothes.

2. Warm the person’s body with skin-to-skin contact, and apply dry layers of blankets, clothing, towels, or sheets.

3. Give warm drinks to help raise body temperature. don’t give

4. Consult a doctor if the condition worsens.

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what not to do

1. Don’t consume alcohol. It lowers your body temperature.

2. Do not massage the frostbitten area. This can cause more damage.

3. Don’t ignore the tremors. This is an important first sign that the body is losing heat and a signal to return indoors quickly.

(This article is based on information received from the India Meteorological Department, IMD. Zee News does not verify the same.)