Cold Wave: 5 Hacks To Keep Your Hair Healthy This Winter

Incorporating some habits into your daily hair care routine and avoiding others can provide your hair with the necessary nourishment this winter season (Image: Shutterstock)

Winters are often very dry and windy, leaving your hair looking lifeless and messy

Shiny and healthy looking hair is of utmost importance to most of the people and since human hair is sensitive and prone to damage, it requires special care in extreme weather, be it summer or winter. Winters are often very dry and windy due to which your hair becomes lifeless and lifeless.

Incorporating some habits into your daily hair care routine and avoiding others can provide your hair with the necessary nourishment this winter season. Some tips and hacks for your hair are listed below:

dry them

It takes longer for your hair to dry in colder temperatures, which is why most people especially women leave them wet for long periods of time. This habit weakens the hair by putting excessive pressure on them and also causes split ends. People who color their hair should be extra cautious as keeping the hair wet also makes the color come off faster.


Dry weather and lack of moisture prevents moisture from remaining on your scalp and makes it flaky. Excessive dryness can cause dandruff, irritation and increase hair loss. Using a simple moisturizer every night before bed will do the needful.

avoid hot water

Hot water bath is everyone’s favorite in winters but it is not equally suitable for our hair. Using hot water directly on your scalp daily, especially with shampoo, can weaken the roots of your hair by opening up the pores on your scalp. Excessively high water can also damage scalp tissue and cause redness.


Choosing natural oils like olive, almond, mustard and coconut and massaging it gently on your scalp will prevent hair breakage and provide some essential nutrients to your hair. Applying oil improves blood circulation and strengthens the hair roots.

not for extreme heat

As hair gets cold, you might think that applying heat through a hair dryer or using a straightener on them would help, but applying high heat makes hair brittle and dull. Heat also damages the keratin proteins which are responsible for the strength of the hair.

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