Cloud Computing, Data Analysis Most In-Demand Skills in India: Survey

The report states that the job market in India is booming, with 40 per cent of the Indian workforce needing new skills in the next five years.

The report states that the job market in India is booming, with 40 per cent of the Indian workforce needing new skills in the next five years.

Among high-demand technical skills, skills and solutions for data analysis and security also ranked high, with enrollment of data bricks increasing by 2161 percent.

A report by Udemy shows that with public cloud spending expected to grow by 27 percent in 2023 in India, cloud computing skills are still a primary area of ​​focus. With many companies set to invest, a good portion of public cloud spending is expected to account for more than 45 percent of all enterprise IT spending by 2026, the report said, surpassing spending on traditional IT .

Among high-demand technical skills, skills and solutions for data analysis and security also ranked high, with data bricks enrollment increasing by 2161 percent, followed by system design interview by 1012 percent and 5G by 643 percent.

The most commonly consumed business skills fell within the categories of communication and leadership. However, there was a significant increase of 449 percent in customer experience management, 268 percent in non-verbal communication, and 211 percent in business communication.

Top 5 Consumption Skills in India in 2023 (Ranked by Total Consumption)

– Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification

– Java

– Microsoft Certification

– Python

– Selenium WebDriver

The report states that the job market in India is growing rapidly, where 40 per cent of the Indian workforce needs to upskill in the next five years and 60 per cent need to upskill to be market ready. Vinay Pradhan, Country Manager, India and South Asia, Udemy, says, “Leaders play an essential role in helping their employees build the skills they need to maintain a competitive edge in the job market. To improve overall security, reliability and maintain business agility, companies are investing their time, money and effort to boost business performance through self-learning platforms and research labs for employees and training in technical skills. should be invested in.

He added, “A combination of business, personal and technology skills is the key to success in today’s digital enterprises. Business Leaders are also recognizing the importance of the cloud and related technologies and are prioritizing training in cloud platforms and a handful of other programming languages. These trends explain why there is increasing demand for cloud computing skills that will help foster collaboration and teamwork, reduce conflict, and enable productivity.

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