Closer defense ties the way forward: UK on India’s Russia-Ukraine stand

Closer defense ties the way forward: UK on India's Russia-Ukraine stand

The UK minister said she had spoken to S Jaishankar to encourage an anti-Russian stance. (Representative)


Britain on Monday said India’s stand on the Russia-Ukraine conflict is a result of its dependence on Russia and therefore the way forward will be to ensure closer economic and defense ties between India and Britain.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss was asked about India’s stand during a hearing of the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC), the influential foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) responsible for examining administration and policy. Cross-party panel.

The minister confirmed that he had spoken to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to encourage a stand against Russian actions in Ukraine.

Truss said, “I have spoken to my counterpart, Minister Jaishankar, and have encouraged India to stand up to Russia and make it clear that we see this as a violation of sovereignty, that every country that seeks independence And believes in democracy, he should absolutely despise it.”

“I think the issue for India is that there is some level of dependence on Russia in terms of its defense ties, but also in terms of its economic ties. And I think the way forward is with India closer economic and defense. ties for both the United Kingdom and our like-minded allies,” she said.

Referring to the ongoing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks, which entered its second phase in London on Monday, the minister said the aim is to bring India into the circle of democratic nations.

“I’ve come to India as foreign secretary. We’ve been working on those close security links, we’ve done joint exercises – for example, we had a carrier strike group working with India. We’re working on areas like security. Look, now we are negotiating a trade agreement – that’s how we’re going to bring India closer to a group of countries that support freedom, democracy and sovereignty,” the minister said.

Conservative Party MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the FAC, specifically asked Truss about his view on why he felt that India “did not vote along with the other 141 countries” against Russia.

India has so far not participated in all Ukraine-related votes, including one resolution each in the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, condemning Russian action at the United Nations. It has emphasized the need for an immediate end to violence in favor of the path of diplomacy.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)