Classes 1-5 reopen today; Private schools in Bangalore will wait till Diwali Bengaluru News – Times of India

BENGALURU: While government schools are gearing up to reopen primary classes on Monday after a gap of nearly one-and-a-half years, several private schools in Bengaluru will not conduct physical classes for students of grades 1-5 for now.
According to the management, the parents of the children of the premier schools are apprehensive about sending their children to school. Many other schools have decided to resume only after Diwali as a series of holidays are due next week.
“Parents want to send children only after the vaccine. While classes 10-12 have given a positive response, parents of children with lower grades do not want to send their children at all. We cannot manage classes both online and offline as we do not have that much staff. We will continue to offer online only class for a few more months,” said Mansoor Ali Khan, board of members of Delhi Public Schools.
Several schools in the city echoed this argument.
covid norms: some schools will have to prepare
They are not running physical classes for higher grades and students need to come to the campus only for exams. For others, there is a preparation to be done because of the covid protocol.
In government schools, not all students of primary grade find their institution in the best position. Due to high enrollment and uninterrupted use of facilities in the last two years, many schools are scrambling for infrastructure.
Admissions in many government schools increased as parents were struggling financially due to the pandemic and could not pay fees in private schools.
“Most budget schools (along with government ones) will reopen in primary grades on Monday. Senior classes are running smoothly. However, attendance can be as low as 10%-20%. More importantly, there is no admission for grades 1 and 2,” said D Shashi Kumar, secretary, primary and secondary school association. Karnataka.
‘Teachers need to be reinstated’
“We need to ramp up technical infrastructure to manage online and offline classes for those parents, re-hiring teachers, redrawing timetables and finances to meet the additional costs Those who are not willing to be sent to school and those who are not at the station because they have been shifted. The biggest challenge is to adjust the strength with the same infrastructure as before. If we can accommodate 30 students in a class, we can only have 15 now. It is challenging as we will need more staff. There is a lot of planning work before we do our restart. We will probably consider reopening for primary grades after Diwali,” said Jayant Gauri of the Raintree chain of schools.
