CJI बोले- सच्चाई झूठी खबरों का शिकार हो गई: फेक न्यूज पर चिंता जताई; कहा- सोशल मीडिया के दौर में सब्र और सहिष्णुता नहीं बची

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  • CJI DY Chandrachud on Social Media, Globalization, Constitution and Fake News Update

New Delhi16 hours ago

In the American Bar Association (ABA) India Conference 2023, the CJI said that in the era of social media, if someone does not agree with your thinking, he starts trolling you.

Chief Justice of the country DY Chandrachud said on Friday that we are living in such an era where people have less patience and tolerance. In the era of social media, if someone does not agree with your thinking, then he starts trolling you.

He said, ‘Due to the speed with which fake news spreads on social media, the truth has become a victim. A lie is sown like a seed in the ground and it turns into a big theory which cannot be weighed on the basis of logic. That’s why law is called the global currency of trust. The CJI said these things at the Law in the Age of Glocalization: Convergence of India and the West seminar of the American Bar Association (ABA) India Conference 2023.

CJI Chandrachud during the seminar 'Law in the Age of Globalization: Convergence of India and the West' at the American Bar Association (ABA) India Conference 2023.

CJI Chandrachud during the seminar ‘Law in the Age of Globalization: Convergence of India and the West’ at the American Bar Association (ABA) India Conference 2023.

Constitution is the biggest example of globalization
The CJI said that when the Constitution was framed, it was a game-changing document that incorporated the best practices from around the world. The Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution, Dr. Ambedkar had said that the Constitution has not only taken inspiration from the world, but it has been made keeping in mind the needs of the people of the country. This is a very unique Indian product which is also global. But, now our daily life is influenced by the things happening in the world.

Dr. Ambedkar had said that the constitution has been made keeping in mind the needs of the people of the country.  This is a very unique Indian product which is also global.- CJI

Dr. Ambedkar had said that the constitution has been made keeping in mind the needs of the people of the country. This is a very unique Indian product which is also global.- CJI

We can’t escape trolling by being judges
The CJI said that in many ways the Indian Constitution is the biggest example of globalization, that too at a time when we had not entered the era of globalization. When the constitution was drafted, its makers had no idea how the world would change.

He said that at that time we did not have internet. We lived in an era that did not run by algorithms. There was no social media at all. Today for every little thing you are afraid that people will troll you on social media. And believe me, being a judge, we cannot escape this trolling.

Today for every little thing you are afraid that people will troll you on social media.  And believe me, being a judge, we cannot escape this trolling.- CJI

Today for every little thing you are afraid that people will troll you on social media. And believe me, being a judge, we cannot escape this trolling.- CJI

Now people are getting unhappy with globalization
He said that humanity has expanded with the expansion of travel and technology, but humanity has also declined with the loss of a sense of consensus about what one thinks individually. This is the challenge of our times. Much of this is the effect of technology.

He said that now people are getting unhappy due to globalization. The emotional upheaval that people around the world are going through has led to a rise in anti-globalization sentiment. The terrorist attack of 2001 is an example of this. The world also went through a global meltdown during Covid-19, but it emerged as an opportunity.

Technology has taken the Supreme Court to the villages
The CJI said that when Kovid-19 was spread in India along with the world, the Indian Judiciary started doing video conferencing. Gradually it reached the rest of the courts. Video conferencing has decentralized justice as a result of the pandemic. This has been a game changer in increasing people’s access to justice.

Today justice has become decentralized due to video conferencing and it is very important to reach justice. The Supreme Court is not just the Supreme Court of Tilak Marg, but it is the Supreme Court of small villages of the country.

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