China opposes India’s alleged plans to hold G20 meeting in J&K

China on Thursday voiced its opposition to India’s alleged plans to hold next year’s meeting of G-20 leaders in Jammu and Kashmir, echoing the objection of close ally Pakistan, and underlined that the issue should be addressed by relevant parties. “Politicization” should be avoided. “We have seen the relevant information,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a media briefing here on Thursday, responding to a question from official media.

“China’s position on Kashmir is consistent and clear. It’s a legacy issue between India and Pakistan. It should be properly resolved in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and bilateral agreements,” Zhao said. “The parties concerned should refrain from complicating the situation by unilateral steps. We need to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation and jointly maintain peace and stability.” Stating that the G-20 is a key forum for international economic cooperation, Zhao said, “We call on relevant parties to focus on economic recovery and refrain from politicizing the relevant issue in order to improve global economic governance.” to make a positive contribution to the

Asked whether G20 member China would attend the meeting, he said, “Will we attend the meeting, we will look into it.” To another question whether China is building the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the disputed area in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and India has objections to it, Zhao said the two cases are completely different in nature. China has launched projects to help Pakistan develop its economy and improve livelihoods. “Some of those projects are in the part of Kashmir which is under the control of Pakistan. Relevant Chinese companies running the projects do so with the aim of helping local people develop the economy and improve their livelihoods,” he said. It does not mean that our position on Kashmir has changed, he said.

On 25 June, Pakistan said it rejected India’s attempt to hold a meeting of G20 countries in Kashmir, hoping that the group’s members would be fully aware of the imperatives of law and justice and would outright oppose the proposal. . Jammu and Kashmir will host the 2023 meetings of the G-20, an influential grouping that brings together the world’s major economies, with the Union Territory administration setting up a five-member high-level committee for overall coordination last Thursday.

This will be the first major international summit to be held in Jammu and Kashmir after the withdrawal of the special status guaranteed under Article 370 of the Constitution and bifurcation of the erstwhile state into two union territories in August 2019. Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmed said in a statement that Islamabad has taken note of the reports in the Indian media, which indicate that India may consider holding some G20-related meetings in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ahmed said, “Pakistan completely rejects any such attempt by India. He said it is a well-known fact that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory between Pakistan and India, and has been on the agenda of the UN Security Council for more than seven decades.

He expressed hope that in case of any such controversial proposal from India, the G20 members will be fully aware of the imperative of law and justice and will reject it outright.

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