China never took an inch of land from other countries: Xi Jinping to Biden

US President Joe Biden during a virtual summit with Xi Jinping of China. (Reuters)

Xi Jinping said that the Chinese people have always loved and valued peace. Invasion or hegemony is not in the blood of the Chinese nation.

  • PTI Beijing
  • Last Update:November 16, 2021, 11:46 pm IS
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In his virtual summit with US counterpart Joe Biden on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping projected China as a peace-loving nation and said it never started a war or claimed an inch of land from others because He downplayed the criticism that Beijing is facing. aggressive on its territorial claims.

“The Chinese people have always loved and valued peace. There is no aggression or hegemony in the blood of the Chinese nation,” Xi told Biden.

“Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has never started a single war or conflict, and has never taken an inch of land from other countries, he claimed, in an apparent attempt to downplay criticism that Beijing is aggressively pushing for territorial claims, be it disputed areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with India, the South China Sea or maritime disputes with Japan.

In the disputed South China Sea, which is claimed by Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan, China has built artificial islands to support its claim.

China was also involved in a maritime dispute with Japan over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which the Chinese called the Diaoyu Islands.

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