China imposes travel ban as cases of delta plus variant surge in southeastern province

New Delhi: A huge increase in new cases of Kovid-19 infection has been registered in the south-northeast province of Fujian (Fujian). Health officials gave this information on Tuesday. Along with banning travel, several steps have been taken to control the infection immediately.

The National Health Commission said that on September 13, 59 new cases of new local transmission have been reported. Whereas 22 cases were reported a day earlier. These cases were also from Fujian province, which is surrounded by Zhejiang to the north and Guangdong to the south.

According to Reuters, in just four days, 102 community infections have been reported in three Fujian cities, including the tourist destination of Jiangmen, which has a population of 5 million. The new transition comes at a time when the week-long National Day holiday is set to begin on October 1. Earlier, from the end of July to August, the Corona pandemic had severely affected the tourism, hospitality transport sectors.

Despite COVID-19 being largely under control in China, its impact can be seen in the sharp drop in air passenger numbers. Data released Tuesday showed China’s air passenger traffic declined 51.5% in August from a year earlier.

The outbreak of coronavirus in Fujian began in the city of 32 million people, the first of which was recorded on 10 September. Preliminary testing on samples from some of the cases showed that the patient had been exposed to a delta type infection.
