China explodes dam to divert floods, killing at least 12

People walk through flood waters after heavy rain
Image Source: AP

People walk through floodwaters after heavy rains in the city of Zhengzhou in central China’s Henan province, Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Unusually heavy rains have caused massive flooding in central China, flooding the subway system in the city of Zhengzhou and displacing thousands of people.

china flood latest news: China’s military has detonated a dam to release floodwaters to one of its most populous provinces.

The operation in Luoyang city came as at least 12 people were killed in flash floods in the Henan provincial capital Zhengzhou, where residents were trapped in the subway system and trapped in schools, apartments and offices.

Transport and work life have been disrupted across the province, with torrents of rain turning roads into fast-flowing rivers, washing away cars and rushing into people’s homes.

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Image Source: AP

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, vehicles walk through floodwaters in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan province, on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. At least a dozen people were killed in flash floods in the Chinese provincial capital on Tuesday, leaving people trapped in subways and schools. , washed vehicles and rescued people trapped in their workplaces overnight.

More than one lakh people have been evacuated safely. Henan Province is home to many cultural sites and a major base for industry and agriculture.

State media on Wednesday showed water at waist height while the rain was still receding.

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Image Source: AP

Vehicles are stranded after heavy rain in the city of Zhengzhou in central China’s Henan province, Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Unusually heavy rains have caused massive flooding in central China, as well as flooding the subway system in the city of Zhengzhou.

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Image Source: AP

Heavy rain in the city of Zhengzhou in central China’s Henan province on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Unusually heavy rains have caused massive flooding in central China, as well as flooding the subway system in the city of Zhengzhou.

North of Zhengzhou, the famous Shaolin Temple, known for its martial arts mastery of Buddhist monks, was also badly affected.

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Image Source: AP

In this photo released by Xinhua news agency, staff members chanted “Danger!” There are warning signs with words. In a waterlogged area in Wuzhi County in central China’s Henan province on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. At least a dozen people died on Tuesday in severe flooding in the Chinese provincial capital that slammed people into subways and schools, wrecked vehicles and trapped people at their workplaces overnight.

China regularly experiences flooding during the summer, but the impact of such events has been exacerbated by the growth of cities and the conversion of agricultural land into subdivisions.

Read more: 12 killed in floods in central China, roads turned into rivers

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