China downplays Wagner’s attempt to oust Putin’s regime; Does India respond?

China played down Wagner's effort to topple Putin's regime;
Image source: AP China played down Wagner’s effort to topple Putin’s regime; Does India react?

Despite a major development in Russia following the attempted coup of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the private paramilitary group – Wagner, China, which initially kept mum on the incident, has downplayed the situation and called it an “internal matter” of Moscow. “Agreeed.” The remarks from Beijing came after Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko held talks with his Chinese counterpart, where the two discussed the evolving situation in Moscow.

According to The Guardian, the Chinese Foreign Ministry initially stated only that Rudenko exchanged views with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Sino-Russian relations as well as “international and regional issues of common concern”. Was. However, within an hour, Beijing came out in support of its “latest” ally and spoke out in support of Moscow. “As a friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner in the new era, China supports Russia in maintaining national stability and achieving development and prosperity,” a UK media outlet quoted a Chinese official as saying.

Read: ‘World has to come together to end Russia-Ukraine war’: PM Modi’s appeal after bilateral talks with Biden

Russia also repeated the same thing. “The Chinese side expressed support for the efforts of the leadership of the Russian Federation to stabilize the situation in the country in connection with the events of June 24,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The rebellion ended within 24 hours

Significantly, Saturday saw a series of dramatic incidents in Russia after Prigozhin called for an uprising – with the latest incident publicly demonstrating the tussle between the country’s official and private armies. Subsequently, several videos showed Wagner fighters racing north in convoy, carrying tanks and armored trucks, and capturing the city of Rostov before storming the barricades set up to stop them. Later, several media reports also claimed that oil depots and important buildings were blown up by private armed groups.

Putin’s desperate call to Wagner

Amidst the dramatic situation, President Putin appeared on national television channels, where he said that the country was fighting against “some people” who had unfortunately called for an uprising against their own country. The Russian President condemned the actions of Wagner’s boss and called his statements a call for armed civil strife on Russian territory. “Prigozin’s statements and actions effectively call for an armed civil conflict on Russian territory and a back-stabbing of Russian soldiers fighting alongside pro-Nazi Ukrainian forces.”

“I appeal to the Russians, the military and law enforcement agencies and those who were pushed on the path of armed rebellion by deception and threats. Russia is fighting hard for its future, the entire military and information machine of the West. is directed against Russia,” he said. The Russian President stressed, “Any conflict during the period of the special operation must be abandoned, now the fate of our people is being decided. We suffered a betrayal, a betrayal of Russia because of excessive ambitions.” Happened.”

How does India react to Wagner’s attempted coup?

Notably, India did not condemn the Russia-Ukraine war and abstained from voting against its all-time friend-Russia in the United Nations and maintained a neutral position in several global fora. Even, while sharing the dais with Russian President Vladimir Putin last year, PM Modi had emphasized that “the present era is not an era of war”.

Prime Minister Modi has spoken to the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine on several occasions and urged an immediate end to hostilities and a return to the path of diplomacy and dialogue to resolve the conflict. Like earlier, this time too, India has not reacted to the recent developments and it is unlikely that New Delhi will pass any negative remarks against the Kremlin.

ALSO READ: Russia: Wagner chief Prigozhin will leave for Belarus after talks; Kremlin drops sedition charges

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