China calls US democracy a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ – Times of India

BEIJING: China on Saturday called American democracy a “weapon of mass destruction”. Summit for Democracy whose aim was to shore up like-minded allies in the face of autocratic rule.
Countries including Russia and Hungary as well as China were excluded from the two-day virtual summit and responded angrily accusing the US president of Joe Biden Fostering the ideological divisions of the Cold War era.
“‘Democracy’ has long become the ‘weapon of mass destruction’ that the United States uses to intervene in other countries,” a State Department spokesperson said in an online statement. ,
The ministry also claimed that the summit was organized by the US to “draw the line of ideological bias, to dehumanize and weaponize democracy … (and) to incite division and confrontation.”
Instead, Beijing vowed to “strongly oppose and oppose pseudo-democracies of all kinds”.
Prior to the summit, China launched a propaganda campaign criticizing the corruption and failure of American democracy.
Instead, it touted its version of “full-process people’s democracy” in a white paper released last week that aimed to shore up legitimacy for the ruling Communist Party, which became increasingly authoritarian under President Xi Jinping. Is.
While the US has repeatedly denied that there will be another Cold War with China, tensions have risen in recent years over issues including trade and technological competition, human rights, Xinjiang and the world’s two largest economies. Taiwan,
U.S. Treasury On Friday, two high-level Chinese officials were approved for human rights abuses in the Xinjiang region and hired a Chinese AI surveillance firm SenseTime On a blacklist for facial recognition technology targeting the Uighur minority.
Taiwan, a democratic self-governing island claimed by China, was invited to the US summit in an apparent nod to its larger neighbor.
But Beijing got a boost in the midst of Biden’s summit when Nicaragua abandoned its previous diplomatic alliance with Taiwan, saying it only recognized China.
After this announcement, Taiwan has only 14 diplomatic allies left. In reply, US State Department Called on “all countries that value democratic institutions” to “expand affiliation” with the island.
