Chhattisgarh: Rare mouse-deer spotted at Kanger Ghati National Park | WATCH

Rare mouse-deer caught on camera
Image Source: ANI Rare mouse-deer caught on camera

A rare mouse-deer was captured in a camera trap at Kanger Ghati National Park in Chhattisgarh. Of the 12 species of deer found in India, the mouse-deer is one of the smallest deer species in the world.

“With the continuous hard work of the Kanger Valley National Park Management towards the conservation of wildlife, the habitat and conservation of rare species has become possible. Recently the picture of the rare species of mouse deer has been captured in the camera installed in the national park.” Tweeted from the official Twitter handle of Bastar district.

about chevrotains or mouse-deer

The mouse-deer, a small, even-toed ungulate, is the only living member of the infraorder Tragulinae. In November 2019, conservation scientists claimed that they had clicked photographs of silver-backed chevrons in a Vietnamese forest for the first time since 1990. Later in 2019, the small animal was seen in Kanger Ghati National Park on 19 May. They are the smallest hoofed mammals in the world.

The name ‘chevrotain’ is derived from the Middle French words chevrot (kid or fawn) and chevre (goat).

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