‘Chhattisgarh can never become Punjab’: CM Bhagel’s full stop as more MLAs reach Delhi

Amid speculations of change of leadership in Chhattisgarh, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday reiterated that there is no political agitation in the state and responded to former CM Dr. Raman Singh’s statement of ‘Chhattisgarh will be made’. Punjab,’ that “Chhattisgarh can never become Punjab.”

This has happened when many MLAs are going to New Delhi of their own free will as they are all independent persons. The development is seen by many as a show of strength, but sources in the Baghel camp insisted that the MLAs were reaching Delhi on their own volition and there was no show of strength, PTI reported.

The demand for changing the guard came to the fore after Baghel completed two and a half years as chief minister in June 2021. Meanwhile, cabinet minister TS Singhdeo’s camp claimed that in 2018 the high command had agreed to hand over the post to him. After the government completes half its term. Leader Brihaspat Singh, considered close to Baghel, on Friday said there was no question of change at the top in the state and the Baghel-led government would complete its term.

According to sources, about 20 MLAs have already reached Delhi while about 10 more are set to reach the capital late at night. Singh had said on Thursday that about 15 MLAs of the party are in Delhi to meet Punia.

When asked about the MLAs’ visit to the capital, Baghel told reporters in Raipur on Thursday, “Tell me one thing – can the MLAs not go anywhere. Not every move should be seen as politics. Anyone can go anywhere. Even you (media personnel) tour with your friends and that doesn’t mean getting news every time.” Similarly, if someone has gone to Delhi he should not be seen through political prism, CM Said. By downplaying the development, Singhdeo had said, “All 70 MLAs can go… What’s the matter if MLAs go to Delhi. All this continued in Uttar Pradesh as well, what is new in Chhattisgarh.” He had said that all the MLAs are of the opinion that all will follow the decision of the high command.

Development is happening in Chhattisgarh when Congress is facing leadership crisis in Punjab. With Captain Amarinder Singh ousting as Chief Minister and Navjot Singh Sidhu’s resignation as Punjab Congress chief, party veterans have raised their voices against the party’s functioning and demanded organizational reforms in the party.

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