Central: Govt hikes variable dearness allowance for central sector workers – Times of India

New Delhi: The government has revised the minimum rate Central field workers. The order will be effective from October 1, aimed at a different category of workers engaged in various scheduled employments in the central sector.
Variable Dearness Allowance is revised on the basis of average consumer price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) A price index compiled by the Bureau of Labor (an attached office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment). Average CPI-IW for the months of January to June, 2021 was used to make the latest Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) revision.
The Union Labor and Employment Minister referred to the hike before Diwali as a relief to the workers affected by the pandemic. Bhupender Yadav Said that this will benefit about 1.5 crore workers engaged in various scheduled employment in the central sector across the country, which include construction, maintenance of roads, runways, building operations, sweeping and cleaning, loading and unloading, watch and ward, mines and agriculture. are spread over the regions. And said it is in line with the Prime Minister’s vision of “Sabka Saath”. Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas”.
The rates prescribed for scheduled employment in the Central Sector are applicable to establishments under the authority of the Central Government, railway administration, mines, oil fields, major ports or any corporation established by the Central Government. These rates are applicable to contract and casual employees and workers alike.
Chief Labor Commissioner (Central) FPS Negi said that on the basis of the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers released by the Labor Bureau, the Minimum Wage (VDA) in respect of scheduled employment under the Central Sector would be twice a year i.e. on 1st April and 1st October. is modified. , an attached office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Further, the period under consideration for this order is from January to June, 2021 as per the gazette notification.
The enforcement of the Minimum Wages Act in the Central Sector is ensured through the Inspecting Officers of the Chief Labor Commissioner (Central) Organization throughout the country for the employees and workers engaged in scheduled employment in the Central Sector.
