Center tells SC it has decided to re-examine provisions of sedition law

supreme court
Image Source : PTI

The top court, in 1962, had upheld the validity of the sedition law while attempting to restrict its scope for misuse.

The Central government on Monday told the Supreme Court that it has decided to re-examine and reconsider the provisions of sedition law and requests it not to take up the sedition case till the matter is examined by the government. On Saturday, the Center defended the law on sedition and the 1962 verdict of a constitution bench upholding its validity, saying they have withstood “the test of time” about six decades and the instances of its abuse would never be a justification of reconsideration.

A bench of three judges comprising Chief Justice NV Ramana and Justices Surya Kant and Hima Kohli, on May 5, said that it would hear arguments on May 10 on the legal question of whether the pleas challenging the colonial-era penal law on sedition be referred to a larger bench for reconsidering the 1962 verdict of a five-judge constitution bench in the Kedar Nath Singh case.

The top court, in 1962, had upheld the validity of the sedition law while attempting to restrict its scope for misuse.

Read More | Center defends sedition law in SC, says individual cases no ground for repeal

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