CDC shortens isolation times for health care workers with COVID-19 – Henry’s Club

According to a statement Thursday, the agency’s new guidelines state that health care workers with COVID-19 can return to work after seven days if they are asymptomatic and test negative, and “if There is a shortage of staff”. The time of isolation can be cut even further.”

“Our goal is to keep healthcare workers and patients safe, and to remove and prevent undue burdens on our healthcare facilities,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Valensky said in a statement. Statement,
in your new guidelines, the CDC said a negative test result must come within 48 hours of going back to work, and that the shorter time frame may also apply to some symptomatic employees — provided they are “mildly symptomatic” and have no symptoms. be improved. have you been

The agency also specified that health care workers do not need to be quarantined “after high-risk exposure” if they have received all recommended vaccinations, including a booster shot. Quarantine means when people who have been exposed to the virus but have not yet been diagnosed with the infection need to avoid others.

The CDC stressed that the new guidelines are not for the general public and apply only to health care workers.

Others who have Covid-19 must isolate for a full 10 days CDC GuidancePeople who have been in contact with a person with COVID-19, who have been fully vaccinated, do not need to be quarantined if they have no symptoms. However, the CDC recommends that they get tested after five to seven days and wear a mask in indoor public places in the meantime.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America said they “greatly appreciate the CDC updating its guidance so rapidly,” adding that these “approaches are critical to ensuring that we have the right resources to respond to the growing omicron boom.” There are tools for that.” The essential health care workforce is out there. ,

CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Lena Wen called the CDC’s decision to update its guidance “the right move” so that hospitals don’t over capacity from staff shortages due to isolation guidelines.

But when the isolation period for health care workers is reduced, some health experts and business leaders, including Wayne, are hoping the CDC will consider shortening the period for all vaccinated Americans. The United Kingdom has already shortened the period of isolation for anyone with COVID-19. Airlines, including Delta and JetBlue, are among those pushing the CDC to cut isolation times for their employees, arguing it would help Avoid issues like flight cancellation.

“Even if you miss a few individuals who may still be contagious, if you are able to follow many more people for a short period rather than encourage such a long isolation period , then it might even be worth the tradeoff,” Wayne, Baltimore City’s former health commissioner, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.

Fauci says considering reducing recommended COVID isolation period for full vaccination

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, also argues that fully vaccinated people who test positive for COVID-19, if they test negative in less than that time. They are more likely to be vaccinated. Do not isolate for a full 10 days.

Jha called for a study to determine the exact time period for isolation with negative rapid test results, suggesting an isolation window of five to seven days.

“It’s really important to get people out of isolation to give people incentives to test so they don’t have to isolate for 10 days,” Jha said on CNN on Thursday. The new guidelines for health care workers are “a step in the right direction”.

The CDC said in its statement Thursday that it “continues to evaluate isolation and quarantine recommendations for the broader population as we learn of the Omron version and will update the public as appropriate.”

valensky too told CBS News On Wednesday the CDC is “actively examining those figures and doing some modeling analysis to assess” whether to relax its isolation guidelines for all Americans.

“We anticipate that we will have some updates soon,” she said.

However, President Joe Biden said on Friday that there are no plans yet to reduce the period of isolation for everyone after testing positive for COVID-19.

“Well, I just listen to my team, the docs, and they think we should keep it that way,” Biden told reporters at the White House.

CNN’s Jacqueline Howard, Pete Muntian and Donald Judd contributed to this report.
