Carrie Johnson could be dragged into Downing Street lockdown parties scandal – Henry’s Club

Here is a list of alleged gatherings that have been accepted in several cases.

– 15 May 2020: Downing Street Garden Party

A photo leaked to The Guardian shows Boris Johnson, his wife Carrie, former chief adviser Dominic Cummings and Mr Johnson’s principal private secretary, Martin Reynolds, with wine and cheese around a table in the Garden of Number 10 . They were depicted sitting side by side. in front of them.

Some 15 other people were also in the picture, but the prime minister insisted it was a work meeting, adding: ‘They were meeting people at work, talking about work.’

– 20 May 2020: BYOB Garden Party

The revelation came in an email leaked from Mr Reynolds to ITV, in which more than 100 Downing Street employees invited him to ‘bring their own wine’ for the evening gathering.

Several reports have suggested that the Prime Minister attended the event along with his wife.

– 13 November 2020: Leaving party for senior colleague

According to reports at the time, Mr Johnson had given a speech for Lee Cann, his late communications director and close aide of Mr Cummings.

– 13 November 2020: Johnson’s Flat Party

There are allegations that the prime minister’s then fiancée hosted parties at her flat, with a similar incident taking place on 13 November, the night Mr Cummings left Number 10.

A spokesman for Mrs Johnson called the claim ‘total nonsense’.

– 25 November 2020: Treasury Drink

A Treasury spokesman told The Times that several employees had gone to the office to work on reviewing expenses.

He said: ‘We have been apprised that some of those employees had drank alcohol around their desks after the incident.’

– 27 November 2020: The rest of the employees are leaving

The Mirror reported that the prime minister made a farewell speech to an aide in late November while the lockdown in England was still in place.

Other reports said the job was to leave for Cleo Watson, a senior Downing Street aide and aide of Mr Cummings.

– 10 December 2020: Department for Education Party

DFE confirmed there had been a social incident when The Mirror reported that former Education Secretary Gavin Williamson threw a party and made a short speech at an event held at his department’s Whitehall headquarters.

A spokesperson admitted that ‘it would have been better not to gather like this at that particular time.

– 11 December 2020: Wine fridge delivered to Downing Street for employees’ ‘Wine-time Friday’

A refrigerator with a capacity of 34 bottles of wine reached through the back door of No. 10.

According to sources cited by The Mirror, the fridge became necessary for employees’ ‘wine-time Fridays’ which have been held throughout the lockdown, with the prime minister reportedly asking colleagues from parties to help ‘let off steam’. was asked for. encouraged to.

Regular social gatherings were reported to be particularly popular among employees between autumn 2020 and spring 2020, when employees were ‘tired of’ strict COVID restrictions banning socialization.

Mr Johnson is said to have attended ‘a handful’ of these gatherings.

– 14 December 2020: Tory London mayoral candidate Sean Bailey and the Staff Party

Sean Bailey made an ‘unreserved’ apology for attending the gathering at the Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) organized by his campaign team staff.

“This was a grave error of judgment at a time when the people of London are making enormous sacrifices to keep us all safe and I am deeply sorry,” he tweeted.

He left his role as chairman of the Police and Crime Committee of the London Assembly after The Mirror published a photograph showing him at the gathering.

– 15 December 2020: Downing Street Quiz

The Prime Minister appeared on the contestants’ screens in the quiz but insisted that he had not broken any rules.

An image published by the Sunday Mirror shows Mr Johnson with colleagues, one draped in tinsel and the other wearing a Santa hat, number 10.

Downing Street acknowledged Mr Johnson ‘briefly’ took part in the quiz after photographic evidence emerged, but insisted it was a virtual event.

– 16 December 2020: Department for Transport Party

The Mirror reported that senior civil servants were doing ‘alcohol and dancing’ at the event, reportedly planned by employees of Transport Secretary Grant Shapps’ office.

A DFT spokesperson said: ‘After work on 16 December, less than a dozen office workers held a low-key, socially-distancing gathering in the large open-plan office, where food and drink were available . was consumed.

‘We believe this was unfair and apologize for the error of judgment.’

– 17 December 2020: Cabinet Office ‘Christmas Party’

Several outlets reported that a meeting was held at the Cabinet Office on 17 December.

The Times reported that Cabinet Secretary Simon Case attended the party in Room 103 of the Cabinet Office, that it was organized by a private secretary on Mr Case’s team, and referred to it as a ‘Christmas party’ in the digital calendar. it was done. was included.

The Cabinet Office confirmed that there was a quiz, but a spokesman said: ‘The cabinet secretary played no part in the event, but passed through the team’s office on the way to his office.’

– 17 December 2020: Dropping drinks for former COVID taskforce chief

The former director general of the government’s COVID taskforce said he was ‘really sorry’ at an evening gathering at the Cabinet Office for skipping a drink during coronavirus restrictions, a few days before Christmas in 2020.

Kate Joseph, now chief executive of Sheffield City Council, said she gathered with colleagues who were in office that day and said she was cooperating with senior civil servant Sue Grey’s investigation.

– 18 December 2020: Christmas party in Downing Street

Giving fuel to the allegation of breaking the rules, it is being claimed that a party was organized for Downing Street employees on 18 December.

Officials and advisers reportedly gave speeches, enjoyed a cheese board, drank together and exchanged Secret Santa gifts, although the prime minister is not believed to have attended.

Mr Johnson’s spokeswoman Allegra Stratton walked away after being filmed joking about it with fellow colleagues at a fake press conference.

– Play till Christmas 2020

The Daily Mirror reported that Mr Johnson had attended a leaving do for Defense Adviser Captain Steve Higham ahead of Christmas 2020.

The paper alleged that the prime minister made the speech but No 10 did not respond to a request for comment and the Defense Ministry declined.

– 16 April 2021: Consumption of alcohol the night before the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh

The Telegraph reported that consultants and civil servants gathered on Friday night after working for two separate events.

They were to mark the departure of Mr Johnson’s former communications director, and one of the prime minister’s personal photographers, James Slack.

Mr Slack, who left his No 10 role to become deputy editor-in-chief of The Sun newspaper, said he was sorry for the “anger and hurt” caused by his departure, while Downing Street apologized to the Queen.

The Telegraph quoted a No 10 spokesman as saying Mr Johnson was not in Downing Street that day and is said to have been at Checkers.

The newspaper reported witnesses who said there had been alcohol intoxication and that the guests had danced to music, adding that about 30 people had jointly attended the two events.