Can South Asia Combat Climate Crisis, We Believe Yes: Sapan | India News – Times of India

Bathinda: The South Asia Peace Action Network (sling), in a recently held virtual session, voiced for concerted efforts to tackle the climate crisis in South Asia.
Renowned environmentalists and climate activists from South Asia shared their views on how collective efforts are needed to confront and fight a major worldwide crisis. It was felt that although activism is being seen against their governments and world powers european nations While there is an emphasis that the climate crisis is rapidly turning into a climate emergency that requires prompt and real action, South Asia is not seeing any effort whatsoever to respond to the impact of the crisis. is facing.
It was emphasized that collective efforts are needed to reach out to governments to take drastic measures to tackle the climate crisis.
A resolution was passed in the meeting, which was supported by the participants.
The resolve made by the youth climate activist Disha Ravi from India and Durlabh Ashok Pakistan said that “distressed that governments in South Asia have not cooperated to present a joint position at COP-26 in Glasgow, we participate in this discussion on combating the climate crisis in South Asia, resolve to That:
World leaders at COP26 should focus on the challenges facing South Asia, which is home to a quarter of humanity.
Countries that have been the biggest polluters should take responsibility for action to reduce emissions.
The development paths of billions of people who want to get out of poverty and deprivation should not be contrary to their aspirations.
We urge governments to withdraw their dependence on fossil fuels as a contributor to growth and wealth creation.
The Global North must commit to finance and technology transfers to the nations of the Global South to enable integrated action toward reducing global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius.
We will continue to urge our governments to keep the channels of communication and cooperation open South Asian Nations to find solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.
We express our solidarity with the people of South Asia who are facing the climate crisis together. We look forward to similar cooperative actions from governments abandoning their divisive policies.
South Asian nations must consider our fragile ecosystems and shrinking habitats a shared responsibility and preserve, promote and enhance the indigenous knowledge of our communities that can provide important solutions in fighting the effects of climate change.
We will continue to urge our governments to promote the sharing of knowledge and information about weather events and disaster risks.
We view key issues such as glacial melting, sea level rise, rising heat compared to urban resilience, air quality and water resource management as regional issues. Urge our nations to look at these issues as such and take a regional approach towards them.
We believe that cooperation on species conservation, protection of natural resources and climate justice for climate migrants, communities of indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups should go beyond borders.
We will continue to support and encourage support and activism to engage with decision-makers to ensure that cooperative protocols that have been developed are not withdrawn.
Voices from South Asia should be raised and heard in global forums like COP26.
The human capital of the South Asian region has the potential to drive us towards climate cleanness. We urge our governments to cooperate in this direction. The world needs to provide leverage.
