Can promise sun, moon if unsure of victory: Goa CM Pramod Sawant on AAP Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: The state government has continued with all welfare schemes in Goa, even though there was a 90% drop in revenue at the peak of the COVID pandemic. Aam Aadmi Party (AAPCan promise sun and moon as they are sure of not getting elected in Goa, CM Pramod Sawant said on Wednesday.
out as well CongressSawant said that Digambar Kamat Between 2007 and 2012, the CM did not launch a single social welfare scheme, even though the economy was flourishing at that time.
“It is a government with a vision and is doing its 100% to reach out to every individual. Some are not doing anything in their state, but they have got used to coming to other states and making promises. One can promise sun, moon and stars because they know they will never be elected,” Sawant said during the distribution of ex-gratia of Rs two lakh to families who lost a family member. COVID-19.
Targeting the Congress, the CM said that a group was sent to protest at the office of the Director of Women and Child Development. Sawant said that the director, a woman, called him out of fear that the mob might beat him up.
“I immediately sent my PI there, we came to know that this protest was only a political stunt, claiming that they have not received money under the Gruh Aadhar scheme. If you check there is only three months of payment left, all other backlogs are cleared.
From 2007–2012, the state treasury was expanding with no restrictions on tourism, mining operations and any grants. Digambar Kamat should be asked what plan he had implemented at that time. At least don’t do politics with the schemes launched by us,” Sawant said.
He said that a meager amount of Rs 1,000 is being distributed under welfare schemes under Kamat as CM.
Despite the pandemic, the state government added new welfare schemes including 50% cut in college fees, the CM said.
