Can dog fur cause asthma? Answers experts; tips for pet lovers to manage symptoms

pet lover: Many people consider their cats, dogs and other pets to be members of their family. Pets provide companionship to those who care for them, whether through a quick hug or supervision. However, living with a beloved pet and having asthma or allergies can be problematic. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that three out of every ten allergy sufferers experience allergies to cats and dogs.

Zee News Digital asked Dr Arjun Khanna, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, whether dog fur can cause asthma or trigger an asthma attack, and here’s what he had to say.

“There are two things in asthma, one is something that can cause asthma and the other is something that can cause or trigger an acute asthma attack. Now, dog fur isn’t going to cause asthma, but if Someone sensitive to dog fur or allergic to dog fur, that can trigger an episode of acute asthma.”

Dr Khanna further adds, “The incidence of dog fur allergy is very low. However, if you have asthma symptoms and if you go close to a dog or cat or any other pet and your symptoms get worse then it could be a sign of asthma. The only link is between the two. But there is no data to prove that dog fur can actually cause asthma. In a sensitive person who is allergic to dog fur and has asthma, it may that an acute episode of asthma can be triggered by it but it is again not very common. We do see it but not very common. Other triggers like change of weather, cold air, pollution and other allergies are more common.”

Tips to reduce the symptoms and risk of an asthma attack

– Thoroughly clean your home (vacuum floors and furniture often).

– Try an air cleaner (for minor allergens like dust, pollen, and smoke).

– Keep your pet clean (help reduce dander and other allergens).

Make the bedroom a pet-free zone.

– Replace carpets with hardwood floors (reduce the collection of allergens and make it easier to clean).

– As much as possible only with a wet cloth.

– Clean the pet’s cage, bed regularly.

Create an asthma action plan (carry a list of medications and your doctor’s contact information).