Can Bioartificial Kidneys Work on Blood Pressure? read to know more

by Implantable Bioartificial Kidney kidney project Closer to becoming a reality. The project earned a $650,000 award from KidneyX for its first demonstration of a functional prototype. A public-private collaboration between the US Department of Health and Human Services and the American Society of Nephrology, KidneyX was established to “accelerate innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.” According to reports, the aim of bioartificial kidney is to free patients from kidney ailments, dialysis machines and transplant waiting lists.

A nationwide partnership, The Kidney Project, combined the two most important parts of its artificial kidney – the hemofilter and the bioreactor – and successfully implanted a device no larger than a smartphone for preclinical evaluation.

For this successful demonstration, the project was presented with KidneyX’s Phase 1 artificial kidney award and was one of the top six winning teams.

According to reports, in recent years, The Kidney Project has successfully tested the Hemofilter, which focuses on removing waste products and toxins from the blood, and the Bioreactor, which mimics other key kidney functions, such as blood in the balance of electrolytes. These were performed as separate experiments.

The project saw the team combine these two units into a scaled-down version of the artificial kidney, and evaluated its performance. The results showed that the units worked hand-in-hand, driven only by blood pressure. The unit did not require blood thinners or immunosuppressant drugs.

As reported by, “the vision for an artificial kidney is to provide patients with complete mobility and a better physical outcome than dialysis,” said Shuvo Roy, a faculty member at the UCSF School of Pharmacy and Medicine. He adds, “This promises a higher quality of life for the millions of people worldwide with kidney failure.”

The artificial kidney would not only mimic the same level of quality of life seen in kidney transplant recipients but would also help prevent them from needing to take immunosuppressants.

“Our team created the artificial kidney to support the culture of human kidney cells without any immune response,” Roy said. “Now that we have demonstrated the feasibility of combining a hemofilter and a bioreactor, we can focus on scaling up the technology for more rigorous preclinical testing and eventually clinical trials,” Roy said.

Dean of UCSF School of Pharmacy B. “This award is a testament to the Kidney Project’s bold vision and a viable solution for the millions of patients with kidney failure,” said Joseph Guglielmo.

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