Can air pollution and traffic noise increase the risk of heart failure? Read on to know

A study suggests that exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise over the years may increase the risk of heart failure. This correlation appears to be even greater in people who are former smokers or suffer from high blood pressure. In test result The research was published in the ‘Journal of the American Heart Association’, an open-access journal of the American Heart Association.

Eun-hee Lim, lead author of the study, said preventive and educational measures are essential before it is too late. He further suggested to reduce the impact of such risks, strategies like emission control measures should be implemented. “Strategies such as smoking cessation and blood pressure control should be encouraged to help reduce individual risk,” he said.

The research examined the effect of long-term environmental exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise on the development of heart failure in a group of Danish-based female nurses over the course of 15–20 years. The study included more than 22,000 members aged 44 or older. Participants in this study were recruited in 1993 or 1999, and each woman was required to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire at the time of enrollment. Questions included lifestyle factors, body mass index, reproductive health and working conditions, and pre-existing health conditions.

In addition to measuring individual exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise, the researchers examined and analyzed various pollutants and their effects on incident heart failure.

Lim revealed that air pollution emerged as a stronger contributor to heart failure than road traffic noise. However, they continued, women exposed to both high levels of air pollution and road traffic noise displayed the highest risk of heart failure.

The study has several limitations, including some additional variables that could have affected the results of the analysis. These include time spent outside, personal socioeconomic status, the person’s exposure to indoor air pollution, exposure to occupational noise, and the glass thickness of their home’s windows.

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