Calendar: Google Calendar update eases account and event management for users – Times of India

Google Some new features have been added to this Almanac App for users to easily manage invites and manage multiple accounts. Although the major attraction is new’self drive ‘Add Invitations’ setting that allows users to have better control over the invitations they receive.
The company has announced these new features through an official blog post and according to the blog on its own The Add Invitation setting will help users prevent unwanted invites from being added to their calendars and
Google Calendar will now give users the option to add invitations to their calendars, which they have RSVPd. calendar Application This update will provide users with two options to choose from — always have invites added automatically and only if you’ve RSVP’d to an email event invitation.
Google has also moved the notification option to the Notifications section to help better manage when users want to be notified about an invite.
Under this, users will now have the option to receive notifications only if they have responded to the invitation with ‘yes’ or ‘maybe’.
In addition, Google has also added a profile thumbnail at the top of the app, similar to other Google apps. This allows users to easily see which account calendar they are currently interacting with. The new profile thumbnail will allow users to switch between multiple accounts with ease.
The feature is currently rolling out to all Google Account users including personal and is a rapid rollout that will take around 15 days to reach users.
