Bypolls to Rajya Sabha seats in Kerala and West Bengal on November 29

The Election Commission on Sunday said that bypolls to one Rajya Sabha seat each in Kerala and West Bengal will be held on November 29. The bypolls had to be held after Kerala Congress (M) leader Jose K Mani and Trinamool Congress’s Arpita Ghosh resigned from the Upper House earlier this year.

The Election Commission said in a statement that the notification would be issued on November 9 and polling would be held on November 29. The counting of votes will be done as per the established practice, an hour after the end of polling on November 29.

Mani had resigned in January this year. His term as a Rajya Sabha member was otherwise to end in July, 2024. Ghosh had resigned in September this year and his term was to end in April 2026. During the second wave of COVID-19, the commission had not taken a decision. Kerala RS bypoll till the situation improves.

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