Bulls came from Atanu Das: Two-time Olympic champion in round with wife Deepika

Atanu Das’s eyes! It hit the target of an arrow. Oh Jin Hyek, South Korean former gold The medalist and the ultimate favourite, fired 9. Atanu Das needed 10. Deepika Kumari was pacified by shouting words of encouragement from the stands. The servant stood and watched. head still. stable body. Boom. A perfect 10…!

It was close to the match. The obese Korean’s approach is a bit unique – he tilts his left shoulder slightly outward as he feels it fits his body. “What matters is how you control the shoulders,” he once said. It also matters how you control the mind. Indian was better that day.

Antanu Daso Tokyo 2020: India’s Atanu Das reacts. (Reuters/Clodag Kilcoyne)

He seemed to have won in the regular game itself. Das needed 10 runs in the last shot to win. He fired and the arrow hit the target, but it was only capped at 9. It brushed the previous arrow, which was in 10. Commentators speculated whether that brushing made a difference between 10 and 9. It may well be. In the background the Korean heaved a sigh of relief. Das’s face changed to a gentle childish smile.

Final face-off – Single arrow shoot off begins. No Achilles heel, this time. Game over.


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