Britney Spears smacked in face by NBA star Victor Wembanyama’s security; files police report | Photos

Britney Spears and NBA star Victor Vembanyama
Image Source: File Image Britney Spears and NBA star Victor Vembanyama

Britney Spears faced an embarrassing situation when she was allegedly slapped in the face while trying to take a picture with NBA star Victor Vembanyama. Spears filed a police report in Las Vegas, Nevada after she was allegedly assaulted by a member of Wembanyama’s security team. Expressing her shock and trauma, she said on social media on Friday, “Painful experiences are not new to me and I have done my fair share of them. I was not prepared for what happened to me last night.”

The ‘Princess of Pop’ spotted Vembanayama in the lobby of her hotel and later met her at a Las Vegas restaurant where she “decided to approach her and congratulate her on her success.” He alleged that the basketball player’s security forcefully ‘pushed me from behind and took my glasses off my face.’ “It was really quick, so I tapped his shoulder to get his attention. I know about the player’s statement where he mentions that I ‘grabbed him from behind’ but I just tapped his shoulder.” patted,” she explained. The Grammy winner continued to claim, “Then his security handed me over to the crowd without looking back.” “Almost knocked me down and knocked my glasses off my face.”

Spears said she understands what it’s like to be “surrounded by people all the time”, yet said she has never resorted to violence. “That night I was surrounded by a group of at least 20 fans. My security team did not kill any of them.” While Spears said she thought the entire incident was “extremely embarrassing”, she shared her stand, urging “people to set an example and treat all people with dignity.” He added, “There is a lot of physical violence happening in this world. Often behind closed doors.”

“I stand with all the victims and my thoughts are with all of you!!!” He also demanded a public apology from the player. “I have yet to receive a public apology from the player, his security or his organization. I hope they do. I also do not appreciate it nor do I think it is a laughing matter. The player smiles and laughs It was brutal and demoralizing to watch. With the situation that happened. I’m 5’3 and he’s 7’4…I appreciate the overwhelming love and support I’m receiving at this time Thank you to the Las Vegas PD and detectives for their support.” Spears concluded.

In an interview on Thursday, Vembanyama addressed the incident, saying that he “didn’t see what happened, because I was walking straight and we were told, ‘Don’t stop’… but the person hit me from behind”. grabbed me from behind – not my shoulder, he grabbed me from behind – and that’s why I know security pushed him away.”

The player was unable to tell with what force security pushed Spears away because, he says, he did not stop to see what was happening. He also said that he did not know the woman was Spears until “a few hours later”.

Spears’ husband, Sam Asghari, who was with her during the alleged incident, also posted on his social media, sharing, “I oppose violence in any form, especially in defense of myself or someone else. Who is unable to defend, I oppose violence without any justification.” Own. Self-defense may be inevitable, but defending any woman, especially my wife, is not debatable. I consider my reaction sober considering what happened, and I hope the person concerned learns a lesson and changes his disdain for women. ,

(with ANI inputs)

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