British GP: Former F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone believes Lewis Hamilton was to blame for Max Verstappen crash

F1 driver Lewis Hamilton has been in the news after his controversial victory at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone over the weekend. The seven-time world champion was involved in an early crash on the opening lap that saw championship leader Max Verstappen drive his Red Bull F1 car into a wall and out of the race. The Dutchman was taken to hospital where he spent six hours before being released after precautionary tests. Hamilton was slapped by a mere 10-second penalty; However, he went on to win the race and closed the gap in the championship race to just eight points. It was his eighth win at the Silverstone track and his most controversial win to date.

Meanwhile, the war of words between F1 godfather Bernie Ecclestone and the legendary British driver reached another level when the former F1 supremo questioned the reigning champion’s appetite and drive to win in the sport. Ecclestone believes the Mercedes driver was to blame for the crash that ended Verstappen’s Sunday race.

talking to sportsmailEcclestone said it was Hamilton to blame. He continued, “In the old days” such an incident was “one of those things” where it was clear that everyone was doing their best to “win the championship”. Ecclestone’s reference was to the World Championship contenders who clashed at the inauguration. Hit the tire wall at Corpus Corner at speeds close to 180mph.

However, he reiterated that if the race stewards were involved, they should have given Hamilton “a more than 10-second penalty. It should have been 30 seconds.” “The punishment was not worth the crime,” he said.

Ecclestone, 90, also said Hamilton was not in front of the collision and that it was not his corner to overtake. He was almost a car away and that is why the British racer hit his Dutch counterpart from behind and not ahead.

Verstappen’s father Jos supported Ecclestone’s views. The veteran of more than 100 F1 races said Hamilton should have been disqualified. “What Hamilton did is really unacceptable,” said Verstappen Sr. “Max put him in place and was in front of him. You can’t overtake inside the copse,” he added, before calling the 10-second penalty “ridiculous.” In particular, both veterans are of the opinion that the organizers should have banned Hamilton from the race.

Meanwhile, with the win at Silverstone, Mercedes are now just three points behind Red Bull in the constructors’ standings.

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